Most preferred Fashion designer among the Bollywood actresses

Bollywood is on the top of the list when we talk about  highest fashion sense and…

Evolution of fashion in the 5 decades

Fashion refers to comfort and confidence while for others it can be being classy and well…

Positive Pay System

The Reserve Bank of India directives has implemented Positive Pay System (PPS) for all modes of…

Different types of drinks available in the market for consumers

The market is full of edibles as well as various drinks available for consumers. Different types…

Is social media making us lonely and bringing the feeling of not being accepted

Social media is a platform that is created by humans for humans. With the aim to…

The theory behind karma

We humans living on this planet do various kinds of deeds, it can be a good…

Are leaders born in b-schools?

If we go by the word and its definition a leader is a person who guides…

The Mystery of Black Hole

The universe consists of only three types of substances: normal matter, dark matter, and dark energy. The…

Effects of Online Schooling on Kids

New problems bring out new solutions to life that people slowly and gradually adapt and then…

Yoga and Mind Healing 

We all are occupied 24/7. We work physically as well as mentally, we take the stress and…