An HTTP error code of 401 Unauthorized Error implies that the server has obtained an unauthenticated request.
This indicates that you won’t be able to access the website until you login with a valid user name and password. This form of client error occurs on password-protected pages of the website that require login information.
As a result, instead of displaying the requested web page, the web browser will display an error message. Unauthorized 401 Because error messages can appear in any browser, the messages displayed may differ from one to the next.
There are various causes for the 401 Error code,
o like an incorrect URL;
o an invalid credential’
o DNS errors; or a
o faulty plugin.
How to Fix this error?

I. Check the URL: The first thing you need to do when you see a 401 Unauthorized Error is to check whether you typed the right URL. Take a closer look at the URL and see if it contains all the correct letters. If the URL contains any special characters, ensure they’re correctly inserted.
It’s also possible that you followed an expired link that points to the wrong URL.
II. Reload the Page: Although it may appear simple, the 401 Error can be resolved simply by shuttering the browser and re-opening- opening it a few moments later. Unless the error was caused by a misloaded page returning to the page to fix the problem.
III. Check With Your Hosting Provider: If everything else continues to fail and the 401 Unauthorized Error persists, contact your hosting provider.
It may be possible that it’s a server error even though you’ve attempted everything on your end. Your web host will have good diagnostic tools at their disposal and will be able to detect the issue more quickly.
IV. Clean Your Browser and Firewall Cache: Browsers save information so that they don’t have to reload websites each time you visit them. This is referred to as caching. Null and void log-in information stored domestically in your browser may cause the log-in process to be disrupted, resulting in a 401 Unauthorized Error.
The solution to this problem is fairly simple. Most modern browsers allow you to clear your cache in a matter of seconds. Verification errors could be caused by your firewall not communicating properly with the server. The method for resolving this problem depends on the characteristics of the firewall you’re using.
V. Logging Out and Logging in Again: Because the webpage in question requires authentication, trying to log out and home in is another option for resolving the issue. If you cleaned up your cache heretofore, you should be automatically logged out.
Replace your login details and try logging in again to see if everything works.
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