The Voice India Kids – The Voice is an Indian singing reality talent show based on the original Dutch version of the program created by John de Mol, part of a wide range of international franchises. The series employs a panel of her four coaches who critique the artists’ performances. Each coach will guide a team of selected artists through the rest of the season. The Voice India Kids is the first show for kids where they can show up their singing talent. They also compete against each other to ensure that their acts win the competition, making them winning coaches. It aired for the season.
Produced his three winners of Pawandeep Rajan, Farhan Sabir, and Sumit Saini.
The first season of the series received positive reviews. One critic called the show “nice” and another said that some of the show’s contestants performed great songs. Due to the show’s huge success, the network announced a junior version, which premiered on July 23, 2016. The
Voice India Kid Show
The voices India Kid is an Indian singing reality show. This show is based on the famous Dutch show The Voice. At the same time, it will also be broadcast on his TV channel AND TV in India. The show will be hosted by popular TV actors Sungandhaa Mishra and Jay Bhanushali.
Voice India has a wide range of mentors and judges. The concept of the blind audition created a big buzz. Voice Kid of India has enabled many talented young singers to build singing careers at a young age. Check out the Voice India Kids winners list and cash prizes. The selected participants are divided into groups. And each group becomes a mentor from among the mentors. Participants then compete against each other in battle groups. After the martial arts competition, they compete in a live show and advance to the semi-finals. The final winner will be determined by the number of votes and points.
Winner Name
The Voice India Kid is the premier platform for all talented young kids. Reality shows have provided kids with some of the best singing careers. The show helped them improve their singing skills and hone their talents. The Voice India has found many talented singers. Here is his two-season winner list for the Voice India Kids: Along with huge price details.
Season 1 (2016):
Nishta Sharma
Nishta Sharma won the first season of the show. She is Uttar She is 10 years old girl who lives in Pradesh. She won a massive award and received a check for Rs 25,00,000. Along with a record deal from Universal Her Music.
She was from Team Her Neetimohan. She belonged to Sultanpur’s musically inclined family. Shaan, Himesh Reshammiya, Shekhar Ravjiani, and Neeti Mohan served as judges.
Season 2 (2018):
Manashi Saharia
Manashi Saharia is the Season 2 Trophy winner and contestant for Team Palak Muchhal. She received not only a trophy but a recording contract with Universal Music where she received a check for Rs 2,500,000. She is from Asham, India, and is 11 years old.
Nilanjana was her first and Shruti was her second. Each runner-up received a check for Rs. 10,00,000. Not only that, but all the top 6 participants received a gift basket. Shaan, Palak Muchhal, Papon, and Himesh Reshammiya served as judges this season and Jay Bhanushali served as the host of the show. Also starring Suganda Mishra.
The Voice India Kids Season 3 2021 Winner Name:
After the previous season, the popular children’s singing show returns with a new season. Die Auditions by The Voice India Kids singing competition returns with a new season. In a few weeks, The Voice India Kids auditions will begin. Following the auditions and registration, the TV Channel show will start.
This time, registration and auditions will begin online and from home. So kids, practice your melody voice.
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