Rose Day – Significance

Rose Day – Roses have been cultivated for their smell, beauty, and therapeutic benefits since ancient times. Roses are frequently seen as a symbol of success, completion, and perfection due to their distinctive combination of thorny stems and fragrant blossoms. After overcoming the long stems’ thorns, you are rewarded with a flower of exceptional beauty and an alluring smell. To put it another way, roses represent life: After overcoming adversity, you will discover inner harmony, connection, and happiness.

Rose Day
Rose Day

Due to their strong symbolism, roses are frequently employed in heraldry, badges, and coats of arms. The House of York, whose heraldic symbol featured a white rose, and the House of Lancaster fought each other in the War of the Roses (red rose). Initiates into the “mysteries,” or pre-Christian faiths, wore roses during rituals to signify that they would preserve and inviolate any secrets that were passed on to them.

This use of the rose as a symbol of quiet or secrecy dates back to the ancient Egyptians or Greeks. The term sub-rosa, which means confidentially and literally means “under the rose,” came from the practice of hanging a rose over private meetings or gatherings in several nations.

Rose Meaning

Another meaning of roses is confidentiality or secrecy. The phrase “sub rosa,” which translates to “neath the rose,” has a long history. Romans used to hang roses from the ceilings of their banquet halls, and it was common knowledge that anything spoken while intoxicated was to be kept private.

Additionally, meeting rooms’ ceilings were decorated with flowers during the Middle Ages. Everyone under the flowers was supposed to be under a confidentiality oath. Four tarot cards feature roses as well. The Death card, the Magician, the Strength card, and the Fool. The white rose on the Fool is a reminder to purify the mind and stands for purity.

Rose Day
Rose Day

It represents developing wisdom in the Magician card. The rose is a symbol of equilibrium on the Strength card. There are symbolic implications connected to a rose’s hue as well. Each rose color, as well as the form and stage of the blossom (rose buds versus fully blossomed roses), transmits a particular connotation or underlying message from the donor to the recipient. The red rose is a sign of love.

According to Greek mythology, the god of vegetation and rebirth Adonis is the source of roses. King Theias and his daughter Myrrha had a fictitious relationship that resulted in the birth of Adonis. King Theia’s pursued his daughter with his sword after realizing she had deceived him. Aphrodite changed Myrrha into a tree in order to protect her.

The tree was cut in two when King Theia’s used an arrow to strike it. Adonis was conceived from this tree. Adonis was loved by Aphrodite, who treated him like a son. As he grew, Adonis developed a passion for hunting. Adonis once encountered Ares, one of Aphrodite’s previous lovers, when he was out hunting. Ares was dressed as a wild boar.

Rose Day – The Romantic Day

Valentine’s Day falls on February 14 every year, but festivities get started a week early. With great enthusiasm and fun, couples begin making plans for the “week of love.” In many countries, enthusiasm has reached a point where it is even treated as a holiday.

The event lasts for seven days and starts on February 7 with Rose Day. People exchange flowers as a way of expressing their thoughts on this day each year. Other than red, roses can be given in a variety of colors, and each color has a specific meaning. Roses are given as gifts on this romantic day to commemorate love and affection.

rose day
Rose Day – The Romantic Day

The custom of giving and receiving roses as a form of wordless communication is thought to have started during the Victorian era. You can offer your loved ones roses on Rose Day in any color, including red, pink, yellow, orange, white, lavender, and blue.

A different emotion is represented by each rose. You can observe Rose Day by donning any of these hues, growing a rose bush, or even purchasing jewelry made of rose gold. There isn’t much information available on how Rose Day got started. Although we don’t know who came up with the concept to mark the day.

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