Shattila Ekadashi 2023


Shattila Ekadashi – Hindu and Jain culture People view Ekadashi as an auspicious day. It occurs on the eleventh day of the Krishna and Shukla Paksha lunar cycles of the month. Ekadashi represents five sense organs, five action organs, and one mind in terms of spiritual symbolism, totaling eleven senses.

Shattila Ekadashi
Shattila Ekadashi

By managing their eleven senses, eating those foods that are allowed, and abstaining from others, they conduct a fast to commemorate the day. There are 24 different sorts of Ekadashi in a year, each one connected to a different Lord Vishnu incarnation. Each comes with certain dietary guidelines that must be adhered to during the fast in order to focus the mind in the proper direction and prevent negative behaviors.

Ekadashi Putrada

In January, on the eleventh day of the bright half of the lunar cycle, is Putrada Ekadashi. Fasting on that day and performing puja for Lord Vishnu, who is known as the “provider of boys,” can grant the believer a child. The fast is begun by devotees at the break of day on Ekadashi and ends the next morning. During the fast, they are not permitted to eat rice, lentils, garlic, or onions. Those who are unable to adhere to the strict fasting guidelines might consume milk and fruits. On this day, non-vegetarian food is absolutely forbidden in Hindu families.

Ekadashi Satilla

The word “Til,” which signifies sesame seeds, is the root of Satilla or Tilda Ekadashi. During this Ekadashi, sesame seeds are given and received as gifts, as well as used to make food. Sesame seeds, cereals, and other meals should be donated by those who fast on this day in order to improve their fortune.

Ekadashi Satilla
Ekadashi Satilla

The significance of “anna daana,” or food gift, in Hindu tradition is emphasized by the tale of this day. The deity should be fed fruits like coconut, guava, and pumpkin instead of grains, lentils, or beans that devotees would normally eat with meals.

On Jaya Ekadashi

On this auspicious day, people maintain a fast beginning at Jaya Ekadashi and lasting till the following morning. Non-vegetarian food is prohibited in accordance with the fundamental norm. Rice and lentils are off limits, however, eating is not entirely forbidden on this day. They may have quick meals such as kattu ki poori, paratha, sabudana khichdi, and sabudana kheer. Fruits and milk are also permitted to be consumed. It is not regarded as lucky to consume honey, green vegetables, or some specific spices.

The Vijaya Ekadashi

On Vijaya Ekadashi, a traditional full-day fast is observed, and followers spend the day worshipping Lord Vishnu, who is regarded as the sustainer of the Earth. They cannot consume dishes that are tamasic and contain onion and garlic. Additionally, they are not permitted to consume grains like rice, lentils, or pulses. A popular dish on Vijaya Ekadashi is sabudana khichdi with potatoes and ground nuts. It should, however, just be lightly spiced and seasoned with rock salt. You can also take milk and dried fruits.

Amalaki Ekadashi

The magnificence of Lord Vishnu is also honored on Amalaki Ekadashi. Amla, also known as Amalaki, is a very significant ingredient in both Ayurveda and Hinduism. The day is celebrated by preparing amla paste, worshipping amla trees, eating, and even giving away amla since, according to the Padma Puran, amla was particularly precious to Lord Vishnu. Additionally, it is offered as Prasada to the Lord. Only potatoes, nuts, milk, fruits, black pepper, and rock salt are permitted during the fast, which forbids the consumption of grains and legumes.

Shattila Ekadashi

There are several more names for Shattila Ekadashi, including Shat-Tila Ekadashi, Stilla Ekadashi, Sattila Ekadashi, and Tilda Ekadashi. This day is devoted to both Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna and is observed on the eleventh day of the month of Magh. The lesson of the day is the value of eating, namely sesame seeds. Sesame seeds are thought to bring good luck when used in bathwater. A senior woman once existed. She enjoyed financial success.

Shattila Ekadashi
Shattila Ekadashi

She frequently donated valuable items to charity, including clothing, jewelry, and other accessories. She, however, never gave them any food or grains. The lady was once approached by Lord Krishna who had transformed into a beggar and requested that she give him some food. The lady, however, vehemently rejected the incident and became upset. She gave him a clay sphere in exchange for this. Following his blessing, the beggar left. The female entered the room and saw that the meal was turning to clay. No food could be consumed by her.

Every day, she became frailer. She then said a prayer to Lord Krishna in an effort to find relief from her suffering. The story of the beggar incident was brought up by Lord Krishna. By witnessing her fast, he instructed her to pray on Shattila Ekadashi. She can purge the sins with the use of this. In addition to giving Til and food to the needy, she prayed to Shattila. Every food item changed back to how it had been before.

Since it is thought that giving Til (Sesame) seeds on this day will aid in atoning for sins, the Ekadashi is known as Sat-Tila. Aside from offering oblations to deceased ancestors with water mixed with sesame seeds, taking a bath in water mixed with til (sesame seeds) is also seen as extremely auspicious. Til is also thought to be utilized in six different ways throughout the course of the day.

Because there are six different sorts of til the Ekadasi was given the name Shattila. It should be noted that Shattila Ekadasi occurs in North India in the winter, and sesame seeds are said to be especially beneficial during this time. On the day of Ekadasi, all customary fasting regulations are followed. Avoid eating anything produced with rice or grains. On this particular day, some folks do eat some sesame seeds. Sesame Seeds’ uses on this day include:

Add Some Sesame Seeds to the Bathwater Before You Take a Bath

1. Apply the seed paste to your body to create it.

2. Use sesame seeds in your meals.

3. sacrifice sesame seeds in seeds.

4. Give poor people sesame seeds.

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