SEOUL Halloween Tragedy —
48 hours after Saturday’s dangerous Halloween rush, the nation is grieving the people in question and looking for responses.
A group flood in a restricted back street in the capital’s Itaewon locale killed in excess of 150 individuals and harmed in excess of 140 on Saturday night. The casualties were for the most part youthful grown-ups, and among the dead are 26 outsiders from 14 nations.

President Yoon Suk Yeol on Sunday pronounced a weeklong public grieving period, the second in the nation’s set of experiences. Public banners fly at half-staff, and numerous public occasions are dropped or deferred. The police sent off a 475-in number examination group and scoured the scene with criminology officials on Monday.
On Monday, nearby legislatures set up open grieving locales. Jeong Hye-Yoon, 35, visited a special raised area close to the scene. As a young lady living in a close-by neighborhood, she tracks down it “extraordinary and strange” that a calamity of such extent occurred in the core of the city.
Witnesses are regretting the absence of group control measures
“Huge groups assemble in this space consistently. In any case, they were passed on all alone with next to no arrangements to keep an immense mishap from occurring,” Jeong says.
The multicultural neighborhood of Itaewon has drawn in countless revelers searching for Halloween merriments every year. The police had assessed that north of 100,000 individuals would visit the locale this year as individuals praise the principal Halloween liberated from pandemic-related limitations. More than 130,000 travelers utilized the Itaewon tram station on Saturday, as indicated by Seoul Metro Corp.
In recordings shot before that night and posted via web-based entertainment, the slanting 10 far-reaching rear entryway is seen loaded with individuals attempting to move in the two headings. The rear entryway begins by simply pulling back from a metro exit on the central avenue and interfaces with a smaller road fixed with well-known eateries and clubs.

Many onlookers deplored the absence of group control measures. The Public Police Organization on Monday said a sum of 137 cops were dispatched to the locale on Saturday. What’s more, they were entrusted with checking wrongdoings, not swarm control.
Hong Ki-Hyun, head of the organization’s Public Request the Executives Department, conceded the police’s inability to anticipate mass losses and communicated “laments” about their judgment. He said the police don’t have a manual for enormous social events that occur with no reasonable coordinator.
Public security specialists accentuate that the social event’s unconstrained nature can’t be a reason for inaction. Moon Hyeon-Cheol of Soongsil College’s Division of Police Science says the police and neighborhood specialists “might have impeded vehicle traffic off the road close to the site during this previous end of the week or had the tram pass Itaewon station ceaselessly.”
Groups of casualties of a 2014 ship catastrophe say this misfortune appears to be nothing new
To one gathering of grievers who visited the Itaewon site on Monday, the gigantic loss of youthful lives and the inability to forestall it appear to be unfortunately natural. They are the guardians who lost their youngsters in the 2014 Sewol ship calamity.
The ship sank and killed north of 300 travelers, including 250 secondary school understudies, somewhat because of government disappointments and unseemly security measures.

Jeong Boo-ja, who lost her child in the shipping fiasco quite a while back, says the guardians “accepted South Korea would have taken an example and not recurrent the equivalent” after their misfortune.
Following the mishap, the public authority rebuilt its catastrophe board framework, reinforced security guidelines, and expanded related financial plans. However, as per Inside Service information from 2020, the quantity of fiascos, for example, fires, substance holes, and boat or train mishaps has kept on developing — after a concise decrease in 2015.
Jeong Boo-JA battles to track down expressions of sympathy for the casualties’ families.
“There will be genuinely excruciating times ahead. I personally don’t have any idea how I passed the beyond eight years. Furthermore, despite the fact that I share a similar encounter, I don’t have any idea how I can reassure the dispossessed families,” she says.
“I truly want to believe that they stay solid and not be consumed by their own anguish. I truly want to believe that they can say earnest farewells to their child or girl when they can. They will think twice about it in the event that they don’t.”
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