Bakrid – It is celebrated in memory of the prophet Abraham who sacrificed everything for God. The history of this occasion dates back 4,000 years before Allah appeared to Prophet Abraham in a dream asking him to sacrifice what he loved most.

History of Bakrid
It all starts when God asked Prophet Abraham to peace be upon him( حضرت ابراہیم علیہ السلام)in his dream about giving or sacrificing a precious and heart-attached thing to him
Prophet Abraham has been attached to his son Ismail(اسماعیل) a lot he has got an idea that God wanted him to sacrifice his son, he is the one who had beloved prophet Abraham that dream come to him in the holy days of Dhul hajj month (which the ninth month of the Islamic calendar)

And he was ready to sacrifice his son by his own hand by knife but tables or the devil (ابلیس)was distracting him(Abraham) in between, that’s why stone throwing (rajma) has been performed by Muslims during the Haj pilgrimage
Prophet Ibrahim(Abraham) was in the process to sacrifice his son the prophet Ibrahim was also blindfolded because he loves Ismail (his son a lot) he don’t want to sacrifice him with open eyes that’s why he covered his eyes but suddenly Ismail exchanged by sheep by Allah’s mercy and that’s how Ismail (the loved one of prophet Ibrahim) was saved by God
Allah wants to check Ibrahim iman(faith over God) by this test(mean)
It was a test from Allah’s side to check his taqwa or imaan (how much honest he was to God) after that testifying Allah raised his position and gave him a title in the Quran the close one or a friend of Allah(Khalil-Ullah)
Significance of Bakrid
The whole Muslim community worldwide celebrates this festival of Eid ul Adha or baked
And this is the most beloved festival after Eid ul Fitr in the Muslim community

Most sacred 9 nights of the hajj
Nine beloved nights to God (dhul hijrah’s starting 9 days) are considered the most virtuous which is most significant or sacred to make good deeds or sacrifices, supplications, recitations prayers, and fast
God multiplies or increases the reward of an Act of worship or swab (righteous act)
Why do Muslims do the Pilgrimage in this Month of Dhul Hajj
In This month God tested and granted mercy over Prophet Abraham
And prophet Abraham and others considered the best month for pilgrimage and secondly
Because this month is considered the most sacred and virtuous to make good deeds that’s why Muslims go to multiply their good deeds in this month the starting 9 days of the Dhul hijrah are considered the most sacred for worshippers even though it considers the best night compared to Ramadan
Most said God’s mercy increased these days that’s why the swab of doing good deeds increased
In this month Muslims had to make Sacrifices which they loved most which they raised their own hand, for example, any animal (like a goat, sheep, or camel) is considered an act of worship
Fasting in the month of Dhul hajj
Fasting in 9 days of Dhul hijrah is considered a most sacred or good act of worship many Muslims fast and many, not prophet Muhammad peace be upon him have suggested his Ummah fast these days but many Muslims who are religious fast many don’t consider it compulsory so they don’t fast it is Naftali rozey (not compulsory but if you want to fast you can fast it will be beneficial to increase the swab but it’s not watertight)
Ramadan’s fasting is different from it Ramadan’s fasting is compulsory who have reached puberty (12+) this is far rozey(compulsory fasting)
What Muslims do on Bakrid or Eid ul Adha
It is important for all to pray at beginning of the day (morning Eid prayer) after that three-four food items like kheer(sheer), dahi balle(dahi full),chole or chane, biryani and shami kabab made by mom
Muslims do Mustafa (Muslim hand-shaking way) and hug each other and share blessings with each other pray for everyone.
Sacrifices (Qurbani) on Bakrid
Muslims have three days to complete the process of sacrificing animals from the 10th day of Dhul hajj to the 13th day of Dhul hijjah Muslims can sacrifice (slaughter) Animals on these three days only After maghrib Adhan(Azhan) sunset of the 13th Dhul hijrah nobody can sacrifice animals as an act of Qurbani for baked

How they distribute the meat
Muslims has recommended by Prophet Muhammad pbuh to divide the meat into three sections First section is for friends and family
The second is for relatives
The third section should be given to poor people
And zakat of charity (2.5 of your wealth )should be given in this month it will be considered beneficial(good deed)to give charity
For example, If you earn 1000 you have to give 2.5 percent (250)of it to charity (zakat)
I hope you have got a superb idea about Eid Ul Adha what it is and how it celebrates what its history of it is.
Bakrid wishes to All ❤️🙏#EidAlAdha #HappyEid
— Vasu Cinemas (@vasutheatre) July 21, 2021
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