Bigg Boss 16 – Rakhi Sawant – When Rakhi was still in school, Bollywood filmmaker Suneel Darshan cast her in an item song with Govinda in the movie Joru Ka Ghulam, catapulting her to prominence. She went through four auditions before being selected for her ground-breaking item number, Mohabbat hai Mirchi, in Chura Liya Hai Tumne in 2003, three years later. Rakhi Sawant, who has a reputation for controversy and was considered a wild card contestant on Bigg Boss 15, will be a guest on the Krushna Abhishek-hosted program Bigg Buzz, where the Bigg Boss contestants who were eliminated play entertaining games and express their opinions about the housemates objectively.
Rakhi will be seen commenting on the Bigg Boss candidates in the upcoming season, calling them “boring” and sharing her desire.
She wanted to get inside the show and spice it up. Bigg Boss 16 – Rakhi Sawant calls Boring. Everyone is still sleeping even though Bigg Boss has only recently begun, according to Rakhi Sawant. The contestants are uninteresting and, by nature, highly uninteresting. I’m the only one with the tadka to keep the show interesting.
Rakhi Sawant continued, saying that if she went inside, she would try to explain how to play the game and make it interesting for the spectators.
Bigg Boss 16 – Rakhi Sawant
Rakhi Sawant statement
She continued, “I think I should enter the house this season as a wild card competitor and cause a little bit of a disturbance so that the other contestants can wake up and start taking the show seriously.
In the previous season of the bigg boss, this actress came into the limelight due to her fashion sense and entertainment. Bigg Boss 16 – Rakhi Sawant calls Boring. Rakhi Sawant, who is well-known for her controversy and was viewed as a wild card contestant in “Bigg Boss 15,” will make an appearance on the Krushna Abhishek-hosted program “Bigg Buzz,” where the contestants who were eliminated from “Bigg Boss” play fun games and give their unbiased opinions about the housemates.
Rakhi will be heard commenting on the new season of “Bigg Boss” competitors, calling them “boring” and expressing her desire to enter the production to spice things up.
Rakhi Sawant was one of the top contenders for the Bigg Boss 15 winner’s trophy after making it to the finale week. Bigg Boss 16 – Rakhi Sawant calls Boring. The actor, however, recently left the Bigg Boss house and was spotted in Mumbai.
Why is Rakhi Sawant important for Bigg Boss?
Rakhi Sawant is a female actress and the most popular celebrity in the Bollywood industry. She always remains in controversy with her fashion style and also her comments over controversial stuff. rakhi Sawant is an Indian dancer model, actress, and television talk show host who has appeared in many Hindi Kannada, Marathi, Odia, and Telugu shows. Bigg Boss 16 – Rakhi Sawant calls Boring. She was a contestant on the first season of the Indian reality television show bigg boss and a challenge and finalist in bigg boss 14.
Her arrival as bigg boss means the revival of entertainment that why she becomes important from the bigg boss perspective.
The previous season of bigg boss is not less than any shock for Rakhi Sawant where everyone was excited by her arrival with her husband Ritesh, by the end she got shattered and break up with Ritesh and filed for divorce as well.
Why Rakhi is an entertainer in the show?
As a wild card participant, she participated in BB15 and advanced to the finals. But she was eliminated just a few days before the grand finale, which devastated her.
She subsequently made waves when she eventually revealed her husband Ritesh’s face, and viewers were thrilled to see them both on the reality show. Bigg Boss 16 – Rakhi Sawant calls Boring. However, a lot of them also claimed that the pair was a planned match and that their marriage was false. As a result, she dissolved the union and filed for divorce.
Even at the current season of bigg boss 16,Bigg Boss 16 – Rakhi Sawant calls Boring. she wants her presence in the show as a wild card entry and she wants to bring entertainment to the show.
Suggested read: Bigg Boss 16: Contestants List and Photos
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