Chhath Puja Rituals are praised 6 days after Diwali on Sukhla Paksha Shashti of Kartik month. It is a significant celebration of Bihar and furthermore saw in Jharkhand, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal as well as the Madhesh locale of Nepal. We should be familiar with the ceremonies to be performed on the 4 days of chhath puja.
How to Do Chhath Puja?
The Puja Services and customs of this celebration are started on Nahay-Khay – the primary day of Chhath. Individuals accumulate on the Chhath Ghats to offer their thanks and dedication towards the Ruler Surya. Individuals make considerable progress before dawn one day before the festival and take a bath to stir themselves in its devout water. They perform different ceremonies and customs by offering water to Sun as this festival is a thanksgiving festivity that is in a general sense earnest to the Sun God-Master Surya.
The main day of Chhath Puja: Nahay Khay
Chhath Puja starts from the Nahay-Khay. After washing in the first part of the day, the vrati ladies clean the grain for the puja material and dry it by covering it in the sun. Tidiness is dealt with during the washing and drying of grains. After this, ladies clean up by and by. From this day, the vrati ladies as well as their families begin taking satvik food.

Kaddu Bhaat alongside Channa dal is typical planning on this day and it is cooked by utilizing mud or bronze utensils and mango wood over a mud oven. After love, every one of the eyewitnesses is eaten just one time each day. Subsequent to eating the food at some point mid-early afternoon, vrati begins the waterless-quick which is broken just the following day evening while at the same time noticing ‘Kharna’ the second day of Chhath Puja.
– Individuals first clean their teeth with mango twigs.
– Then, at that point, they go to a sacred water body like the stream Ganga and wash up.
– A portion of the heavenly water is brought back.
– With that water, Prasad for Ruler Surya is ready.
– During the whole day, individuals eat just before Surya udaya toward the beginning of the day.
– Subsequent to having food water is drunk just a single time.
– This quick is noticed for a day and a half from that point.
– The quick doesn’t allow water consequently is known as ‘Nirjal’.
The Second Day of Chhath Puja: Kharna
The second day of Chhath puja is known as Kharna. On Kharna, fans notice Vrat for a time span of very nearly 8 to 12 hours. On this day enthusiasts save quickly for the entire day and break their quick at night after dusk after the love of the Sun. Individuals end the quick during the night in the wake of performing Surya Puja. They offer Rasiao-kheer, puris, and natural products in the puja.

– The fasting proceeds with this day till it finishes a day and a half.
– At night Chati Maiyya is loved.
The Prasad from the puja is consumed to break the quick.
The Prasad arranged is normally Puri and Gud ka Kheer.
Salt isn’t by any stretch consumed on this day.
The third day of Chhath puja: Sandhya Arghya
The third day of Chhath Puja ceremonies is known as Sandhya Arghya. On this day, in the wake of setting up the prasad, fans take a plunge in the sacred water body at night and love the Master Surya and Chhathi Maiya. They offer the night contributions in the midst of people’s melodies. This day essentially notices the love of the Sun in the first part of the day when it rises. It is additionally known as Bihaniya or Bhorwa Ghat (Morning Arghya).
In the early morning, enthusiasts alongside their loved ones offer Bihaniya Aragh at the ghat of the riverbank of Ganga or some other sacred water body. This is the last or you can say the last day of this propitious celebration. The enthusiasts accumulate at the bank of the stream with their loved ones to offer bhorwa arghya to the rising Sun.
Fans additionally love Chatti Maiyya, circulate thekua and afterward get back. Individuals who were fasting broke the quick by taking the endowments of the seniors and afterward eating ginger with water. The other Prasad arranged are then consumed by them. This is the main piece of the custom. During the celebration, the female people go through their late evening singing conventional Chhath melodies.
There is likewise a practice of “Dandwat Pranam” during Chhath Puja. Individuals who have wished or wish to prevail with regards to something, make a vow to go to the Chhath Ghat by lying and recognizing on the ground in straightforward material. With the assistance of a “Kanda”, a kind of stick handily found in the region or in fields, the fan defines a round boundary by lying on the ground with the assistance of the stomach and extending two hands in “Pranaam Mudra”. In the wake of showing up on the Ghat later “Dand,” the enthusiast washes up in the sacred waterway and reveres Chatti Maiyya.
The Last Fourth day of Chhath : Usha Arghya
The quick arrived at an end in the wake of offering argha and Surya Namaskar to the rising sun. Everyone meets up to have Prasad and family bonds and feels established like never before. The most promising piece of the custom is to get ready delights for the ‘Vrattis’ (lovers that quick) and the female people go through their entire night by singing conventional Chhath melodies, during the fourth day of the celebration like-

Kelawa jey farela ghawad sey… goodness standard sooga mandaraaye
Paisee jagawe suruj mal ke amma
Hello uditanaatha… ho gelo bihaan…
Roonki jhunki beti maangila padhala pandita damaad hello Chhathi maiya…..
Enthusiasts arrive in the Ghats alongside their relatives and family members on the last day and deal bhorwa arghya (morning contributions) to the rising Sun. At the Ghats, Lovers twist kneeling down to venerate Chaithhi Maya after Arghya (Contributions). They additionally disseminate Thekua and afterward break their diets subsequent to coming home.
Suggested Reads; Chhath Puja History & Ceremonies
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