At present time cyberbullying against day by day when people used to blackmail through some protected video or bully someone for their own matters and benefits. Cyberbullying or cyberharassment is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means. Cyberbullying and cyber harassment are also called online bullying. As the digital realm expands and technology advances, it is becoming increasingly common, especially among teenagers.

In many cases, cyberbullying is an extension of existing traditional forms of bullying.[5] [6] Students who are bullied online are almost always bullied in other, more traditional ways (such as physically or verbally). Few students are bullied solely because of the Internet. These cyber victims are often physically strong students, and bullies tend to prefer online confrontations to face-to-face contact at school.
What is Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is bullying that uses digital technology. It can be done on social media, messaging platforms, gaming platforms, and mobile phones. This is a repetitive behavior intended to frighten, upset, or embarrass the subject. For example:
Spreading lies about someone or posting embarrassing photos or videos on social media
Sending harmful, abusive, or threatening messages, images, or videos through messaging platforms

Impersonate someone and send mean messages through someone else’s name or a fake account. Face-to-face bullying and cyberbullying often coexist. But cyberbullying leaves a digital footprint. This is a record that can prove useful and provide evidence to stop the abuse.
When bullying happens online, it can feel like you’re being attacked anywhere, even in your own home. It may seem like there is no way out.
The effects are long-lasting and can affect a person in many ways.
Mental – can be depressed, embarrassed, stupid, scared, or even angry
Emotional – feeling embarrassed or losing interest in things you love
Physical – Fatigue (lack of sleep) or symptoms such as stomachache or headache
The feeling of being laughed at or harassed by others can deter people from speaking up or trying to solve problems. In extreme cases, cyberbullying can even cause people to take their own lives.
Cyberbullying can affect us in many ways. However, these can be overcome and people regain their confidence and health.
Anti-bullying day
Anti-Bullying Day is celebrated on May 4th each year. It’s the day the world stands up to end bullying in schools. Bullying is as old as human society. Sometimes the signs are obvious and capricious. Otherwise, it is insidious and can exist in places we least expect it, such as family members, friends, or others close to the victim. exploits the most vulnerable, putting children at greater risk. have the right to grow.
Also, 48% of children in India reported bullying someone they knew online, compared to 21% of children globally. One of the reasons for the high rate of cyberbullying in India is the early and increasing adoption of electronic devices by children in schools and homes.
Her three countries where parents reported cyberbullying the most are India at 38%, Brazil at 29%, and the United States at 26%.

Types of Cybercrime:
Cybercrime encompasses a wide variety of activities. Cybercrime can basically be divided into three categories:
Cybercrime against people like harassment takes place in or using cyberspace. Harassment may be of a sexual, racial, religious, or other nature. Cybercrime against property, including computer destruction (destroying the property of others), the transmission of malicious programs, trespassing, and unauthorized possession of computer information.
Cyber crimes against governments such as cyberterrorism
Crimes Against people are:
- Cyberstalking:
This means creating physical threats that create fear of using computer technology such as the Internet, email, phone calls, text messages, webcams, websites, and videos.
- Distribution of obscenities:
This includes flashing/Pornography (basically child pornography) and hosting websites containing these prohibited materials. These obscene things tend to offend adolescents and defile and ruin their minds.
- Defamation:
Hacking an email account and sending vulgar emails to a stranger’s email account accuses them of violating someone’s dignity. chop:
It means unauthorized control/access to a computer system and the act of hacking results in the complete destruction of all data and computer programs. Hackers usually hack telecommunication networks and cellular networks.
- Crimes against property:
As international trade expands rapidly, businesses and consumers are increasingly using computers to create, transmit, and store information in electronic form rather than traditional paper documents.
Specific crimes involving personal property include:

- Intellectual property crime:
Intellectual property consists of a set of rights. Illegal acts that deprive owners of all or part of their rights are punishable by law. Common forms of intellectual property infringement are called software piracy, copyright, trademark, patent, design, service mark infringement, and computer source code theft.
- Cybersquatting:
This means that two people are claiming the same domain name. Claiming to be the first to register a name, using that name before anyone else, or using something similar before. For example, two similar names i.H. and
- Cyber trolls:
Vandalism means intentionally destroying or damaging another’s property. Cyber vandalism, therefore, means destroying or corrupting data when network services are stopped or interrupted. Its scope can include any kind of physical damage done to a person’s computer. These acts may take the form of stealing computers, parts of computers, or peripherals connected to computers.
- cybercrime against government
There are certain crimes committed by groups of people who intend to use internet capabilities to threaten international governments. including:
Cyber terrorism:
Cyber terrorism is a major burning issue of national and global concern. Common forms of these terrorist attacks on the Internet include distributed denial of service attacks, hateful websites and e-mail, and attacks on sensitive computer networks. Cyberterrorist activities endanger national sovereignty and integrity.
Cyber warfare:
This refers to politically motivated hacking that causes harm or espionage. It is a form of information warfare and is sometimes viewed as an analogy to conventional warfare, although this analogy is debated both for its accuracy and political motives.
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