You can see the statement like The days gone when there was discrimination existed and it was a period of darkness but is that so? Discrimination means to discriminate on the basis of caste, creed, gender, color, race, national origin, etc. Or treating a person or a group in a different way, the practice of untouchability was India’s longest journey of discrimination.
In 1948 negative discrimination on basis of cars was banned by law and further enshrined in the Indian constitution however the system continues to be practiced in parts of India there are 3000 costs and 25000 sub -caste in India each one related to a specific occupation. India strives to make great in economy and infrastructure it constantly reminds us of a social reality that is based on the old age caste system.
The history of India has seen sporadic incidents of discrimination against a particular group of people mostly under the attestation of the traditional system of caste and untouchability the most recent incident is the lynching of the late by a cow protection group in Gujarat it is interesting and informative to know about the origin of social stratification that has affected the discourse of Indian society and politics.

In contemporary times, The National commission scheduled a caste center team to Rajasthan Jalore who look into the death of a 9-year-old Dalit boy who was assaulted by his teacher for drinking water from port meat for upper cast people. A UN report, highlighted that child labor and caste-based discrimination and poverty are closely related in India there is another case related to discrimination that is a little boy girl, and a photo surrounded by his giving family at his homemade Rajasthan illustrates the unexpectable tragedy of caste discrimination in part of the country, where a nine-year-old boy thrashed by a teacher just for drinking the water, that is hilarious.
Rug Veda which is called as Varna system
There is traditional practice behind the caste system. The most ancient mention of the caste system found in Rug Veda which is called as Varna system divided into four: Brahmin who was deemed as Brahmin, scholars and teachers, Kshatriya rulers, warriors and administration, Vaishya as a cattle herder, artisans and Shudras as service providers which mentioned you can get in Manu smriti as well, which has been burnt by Dr. Ambedkar due to the social stratification and unjustified rule and law for Dalits.
Gender Discrimination
Even, though gender discrimination is also a great evil in society at present time, in modern times transgender discrimination can be seen for which various initiatives have been taken by themselves, as well in order to combat society’s artificial laws.

Gender discrimination in India where women face discrimination includes less access to education and the employment sector under-representation and political position comma poor health and nutrition than men and most obvious violence against about a quarter of India 23% say there is a lot of discrimination against women in their country. The Nirbhaya rape case is one of the landmark cases of gender discrimination.
Casteism is a practice in which a sense of superiority toward one caste prevails and members of other castes are seen with heat it’s a kind of mental illness that does not only affect our thinking patterns but also made us conservative it’s a bad outcome of ancient practices.
Cause of discrimination we know people from different caste gender color nationality like together in a particular society it’s a fact that there could be the probability of developing a sense of superiority in a particular group or class of people in lack of proper ethical sensibility people often 2 July on the unfair thing and try to create dominance over other class so that fake impression is created in society and the major causes of discrimination, caste Endogamy, sense of own culture, caste, color prestige, the impact of urbanization, increase in transport and communication, illiteracy. Belief in religious dogma and social distance.
Rajasthan, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat are states where the discrimination level is high.
How to prevent discrimination and government initiatives for discrimination?
Our fundamentals right protect our right to freedom and article 14 -19, itself provide ensured their right like it mentioned that there would be equal opportunity for all, and discrimination should on behalf of caste, creed, and gender would be punishable. Various scheme has been initiated by the government in order to reduce discrimination which includes the criminal amendment act 2013 the protection of women from domestic violence act 2005 the decent representation of the women prohibition act 1986, establishment of organizations especially to protect the right of SC and ST.
There is a need to understand at the grassroots level that before having any caste, creed, or gender you are the first human, so humans should not believe in superstition and the government should try to work upon the Policy so that from the grassroots level it could be eradicated.
Suggested Reads; Caste-Based Census in Bihar , International Literacy Day
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