Freebies the term came into existence in 1900 from free and the informal ending IE is also used in the newbie definition of freebies is like something that is free usually provided as part of a promotional scheme. Nirmala Sitharaman changes the word welfarement with freebies. Freebies are public welfare meant policies and measures offered free of cost by the government, it is not defined by legal terms.
There have been instances where freebies stimulated economical growth through some public expenditure which in long term has the productive capacity of the workforce.
There are two phases of a coin, pros, and cons :
Pros include: Stimulating growth days have been instances where freebies have stimulated economic growth through public expenditure, which have increased the productive capacity of the workforce. Freebies boost the supplier industry, depending on the type of item given as freebies, the economic well-being of the state will improve.
For example, the state government of Tamandu and Uttar Pradesh are known to give sewing machines, laptops, cycles, and televisions to the people as their election policy with a state budget. these items contribute to the sale of their corresponding industry at least considering the supply aspect.

Essential for fulfilling expectations:- in a country like India where the state has a certain level of development upon the emergence of elections there are the expectation from part of people which are met by such promises of freebies give it gives advantages and terms of growth to less developed this day freebies will help the populace of lesser developed state especially if they are large in number to be uplifted from poverty usually such freebies become need and demand base depending on the situation.
If we are talking about the consequences then it leads to microeconomics instability. The basic framework of macroeconomics instability is freebies undermining it. Freebies undercut this framework as subsidies offered will have an impact on the state’s physical situation most of which do not have financial help, to begin with, if the state on political gain their finance will go a stray all through the state have the necessary freedom to decide how they can spend the money they can under extraordinary circumstances when it exceeds deficient feeling it as per physical responsibility and budget management rules.
Negative effect on the manufacturing industry
Promising irrational, if not outrageous freebies from the public font is against the idea of free and fair election at least it is against the notion of fair election as obviously not every political party will have access to public funds there is also a question about how ethical the practice of giving freebies is as political analyst argue that it is an again to giving brides to your own electorate.
Negative effect on manufacturing industry And it leads to long term financial drain. It is hard to say because the term legs a presides definition but broadly speaking it is the transfer of goods or service made to the voters without any payment while there is consensus on the definition of the term plenty has been said about what a good or bad free be is a concept itself one that discourages voters from making a well-informed decision while other criticize at every suggestion which they are you strips voters of their agency to choose for themselves have been and in dispensable feature of electoral politics in India since independence.
Are freebies is same as welfare meant?
There are no watertight categories differentiating free be from a welfare scheme providing voters with incentive before or after voting is not illegal in the Indian government also provide welfare measure to the citizen for their social economical upliftment whereas the ruling BJP has offered free or subsidized housing gas cylinder toilet and sanitation facilities to the people in Bihar the government provides a cash incentive to girl whereas in Tamil Nādu Government runs canteen that provides subsidize me to the public but which of these offering are legitimate welfare measures and which are freebies.

Even. On the 17th of September at the birth date of our prime minister, the Tamil Nadu government distributed the gold ring to the newborn babies on that day and also called the time period of 17sep to 2 October Sewa pakhwada in which he focuses on the sewa of the public.
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