Heroin Seized In Kerala- A bulk of heroin was seized in Kerala by a joint operation of the Indian Navy And Narcotic Control Bureau.
The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) and the Indian Navy intercepted a suspicious vessel in Kerala’s Kochi carrying more than 200 kg of drugs worth Rs 1200 crore in a coordinated operation at sea, according to officials. Six Iranian crew members were also detained, they added.
“Six Iranian crew members were detained when the Indian Navy captured a boat carrying 200kg of heroin worth Rs 1200 crore. Heroin Seized In Kerala. In the middle of the ocean, a Pakistani boat shifted a shipment that was initially bound for Sri Lanka and part of it for India to an Iranian boat “Deputy Director General of the Narcotics Bureau, SK Singh, stated.
Six Iranian passengers have been detained as a result of a Pakistani boat transferring its cargo onto an Iranian boat in the middle of the ocean, according to SK Singh, the deputy director general of the narcotics bureau.
Heroin Seized In Kerala

“Both Sri Lanka and India were destinations for the boat. Heroin Seized In Kerala. We have received detainees, a boat, and other evidence for our investigation “SK Singh said.
He continued, “According to information, this shipment was supplied by the Pakistan-based Hadi Salim network, which provides heroin, charas, and methamphetamine to India and the countries in the Indian Ocean.
These boat exchanges are done in order to prevent the scrutiny that may be caused if the boat has come from Iran, Pakistan or Afghanistan. The European and United States Police keep a keen eye on the cargo that comes from these countries. Heroin Seized In Kerala. As these countries are the home of massive drug shipments to other countries. And the drug market in the United States and Europe is huge. Synthetic drugs are in huge demand so as a result these illegal shipments are done in various ways.
Shipment Through Land

The DRI searched a godown in Gujarat’s Pipavav port last month and seized imported thread that was caked in heroin residue (395 kg). According to anti-drug investigators, heroin traffickers also used land routes. In February, 102 kg of heroin transported from Afghanistan and concealed in liquorice roots was seized by customs officials at the Attari land port on the India-Pakistan border close to Amritsar.
Increased drug seizures on the high seas followed an amendment to the Customs Act that extended law enforcement authority up to 200 nautical miles off the coast of peninsular India. Heroin Seized In Kerala. The NCB and the Navy had confiscated hashish (529 kg), crystal methamphetamine (234 kg), and heroin from a fishing vessel off the coast of Gujarat in February as part of a routine joint operation.
“The substance is transported from Afghanistan to Iran across the land border, where it is then transported to other countries, including South Africa. As the drug bust in Kochi shows, the Arabian Sea is becoming a significant route for Afghan heroin “An anti-drug officer commented.
Three smartphones have already been taken, but no connections to any terrorist organisations have been discovered.
Furthermore, according to SK Singh, the suspects admitted to being from Iran’s Konarak region while being questioned.
“The boat has been transported to Kochi for more examination. This is noteworthy not just in terms of quantity and cost but also because it indicates a focus on cooperative efforts for disrupting the illegal drug smuggling routes that leave from Makran coast and travel to several IOR nations “Added the NCB in a statement.

“In addition to the human costs of drug addiction, the proceeds of the drug trade fund organisations that support terrorism, extremism, and criminal activity. Heroin Seized In Kerala. This operation’s successful completion underscores our unwavering commitment and determination to prevent the use of the seas as global commons for unlawful operations, especially in India’s maritime neighbourhood ” The NCB official Stated.
At 1,200 nautical miles from the coast, the seizure occurred. The boat was transported to Mattanchery. The coastline police are presently guarding foreign nationals.
According to Sanjay Kumar (Operations DDG), “The Indian Navy carried out the operation in the deep water based on the intelligence feed from NCB.”
According to NCB, none of the crew members had any special identification with them.
The Indian Coast Guard stopped a similar Iranian boat in 2015 off the coast of Kerala on suspicion that it contained drugs. The boat had 12 crew members, including one Pakistani. Heroin Seized In Kerala. The boat was transferred to Vizhinjam Harbour, where the National Investigation Agency took over the investigation (NIA). According to a 2020 report by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Afghanistan now has 61,000 hectares of land designated for growing poppies, up 37% from 2019. It claims that Afghanistan is the origin of 75–80 per cent of the world’s supply of heroin. These conclusions are supported by the recent large-scale heroin seizures in India.
For now, No Terror linkage has been associated by the investigating team with the heroin seizure.
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