Increasing Illiteracy Rate – Literacy is the ability to read, write, and comprehend information in order to communicate effectively. Literacy is only the tools that help you make sense of your surrounding literacy services, from reading the newspaper to understanding the road sign.
The foundation of basic education is all of a person’s knowledge of social conventions combined with their problem-solving capacity, which determines them as literate in India. The adult literacy rate is measured for people over the age of 15, while the youth literacy rate is measured for people between the ages of 15 and 24. Increasing Illiteracy Rate Divide the number of literate people in a given age range by the population of that age group and multiply the result by 100.

According to the 2011 census, any person aged 7 and above who can read and write is considered literate. The literacy rate in India stands at 74.04%, with Kerala having the highest literacy rate in India at 93.91%. Increasing Illiteracy Rate The ministry of home affairs conducts a consensus census every 10 years in India. Increasing Illiteracy Rate causes the slow growth of the Country.
According to the census 2011, India managed to achieve a literacy rate of 74.04% as opposed to 64.80% in 2001. This notable shift also highlighted an increase in female literacy over the year. As of 2001, the female literacy rate in India was 53.7%, which was highly dissatisfying, but some progress has been made in improving literacy in India, especially after the implementation of free education in rural areas for both men and women in states and union territories like Mizoram.
Tripura Goa Kerala Puducherry, Chandigarh, Lakshadweep, and the national capital territory of Delhi and Nicobar have shown massive or great improvement in the last decade, and the literacy rate has also increased in India.
Constitutional Provision

Literacy is protected by constitutional provisions in India. The provisions include education for minorities. Article 30 of the Indian Constitution gives all minorities the right to establish an academy institution of choice free and compulsory education. The increasing Illiteracy Rate is a major concern for India. The Indian constitution requires all states to ensure that all children receive free education and equal opportunity in educational institutions.
Reasons for Illiteracy
There are many reasons for illiteracy in India, like less educated parents, if any parents are not so educated. This also leads to a lack of knowledge of the importance of education in life, which results in them not educating their children.
Lack of infrastructure, where the educational infrastructure is still not developed in the way it should have been after so many years of independence, means that there are still a lot of people in our country who are not able to access some education. The increasing Illiteracy Rate effects the Economy of a country.
Poverty is both a cause and an effect of illiteracy; there are still millions of people in India who do not have access to proper food, shelter, or clothing; they cannot even send their children to school and are forced to put them to work in farming and other child labor activities.
The adult literacy rate is 15 years and older, the youth literacy rate is 15–24 years old, and the elderly literacy rate is 65 years and older.
The government takes steps to improve the literacy rate in India
• The government conducts various scholarship examinations and provides uniforms, textbooks, and stationery to encourage students and adults to study. Increasing Illiteracy Rate
• The Noon Meal Program was established by the government in 1995 to provide free cereals to students to improve enrollment, attendance, and retention in public schools.
• The Samagra Shiksha program was created by the government with the broad aim of improving school effectiveness. This is measured by equal opportunity and equitable learning outcomes in schooling.
• Awareness campaigns were launched in rural areas to raise people’s awareness of the importance of education. They were encouraged to send their children to school.
Illiteracy is the inability to read or write. It can also be defined as a lack of education. It forms the backbone of development in emerging countries like India. In our country, the adult literacy rate covers people over the age of 15, and the youth literacy rate covers people from age 15 to age 24. Whether you realize it or not, India is home to the highest number of illiterate people in the world. 25% of India’s population is still uneducated.
For a country to have productive human capital, it is important that its people are educated. Lack of education is the cause of poverty. Increasing Illiteracy Rate gives increment in crime rates when people are unable to make a living and think rationally. Women are far more illiterate than men because some still don’t believe in girls’ education. Educational infrastructure is also poorly developed.
Seeds are grown in houses where education plays a pivotal role in nurturing these seeds, so there is a need to bring change at the ground level which means along with the government people should also take responsibility in this regard so that each child will get a basic education. Increasing Illiteracy Rate
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