Insomnia and its Causes – Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which a person finds difficulty sleeping. It is commonly referred to as sleeplessness and it is one of the most prevalent sleep disorders
Insomnia may be acute or chronic. Insomnia and its Causes.
Acute insomnia is short-term and can last for a few days whereas, Chronic insomnia can last from three, four days to weeks.
Causes Of Insomnia
- STRESS is the main cause of getting insomnia.
- Not getting enough sleep.
- Genes play a major role in a person being an insomniac.
- Environmental issues also play a major role, i.e. high honks, lights, and temperature.
- Health conditions also affect one’s sleep, like running high fever, cold, and cough.
- Pregnancy can also be a factor sometimes.
- Having carbonated drinks like coffee, tea, coke, soda, etc.
- Some medications like allergies, and high blood pressure also affect one’s sleep.
- Tobacco and alcohol are also major excuses.
- Mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, and panic attack and dissolves such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and schizophrenia also affect sleep.
- menstruation and menopause.
- Some medications also affect it like asthma.
- Headache throughout the day
- Irritation
- Sleepiness throughout the day
- Concentration problems
- Fatigue
- Vertigo
- Weakness
- Crankiness
- Trouble falling asleep

How Insomnia Is Diagnosed and its Causes?
If one visits a physician while having trouble sleeping, the physician might ask one about his sleeping habits and health. Insomnia and its Causes. Sleep pattern behavior is more than enough to know about one’s condition and can be treated accordingly. Insomnia and its Causes.
The individual shouldn’t keep things from his/her physician for a better diagnosis.
Sometimes, not even the individual knows that they are sleep deprived or having difficulty falling asleep, they might be experiencing grumpiness from sleep deprivation but aren’t aware. Visiting your physician regularly can solve one of the many problems.
Complications Of Insomnia
- Insomnia can affect day-to-day life activities.
- It can interfere with one’s behavior too.
- If left untreated can be a long-term illness.
- It can also affect one’s ability to think.
- It can also affect one’s relationship too.
- It can cause restlessness.
- It can make a person less social and less outgoing.
Treatment Of Insomnia:
First of all, let yourself know that you are not the only one here suffering from insomnia. Insomnia and its Causes. Nowadays, even youngsters, students, and working people, all are experiencing trouble falling asleep. Acknowledge it and make the next move. Insomnia and its Causes.
How to Cure Insomnia?
- First of all, visit a doctor and let them know what you are dealing with. Don’t hide anything from them as they will diagnose you, and will prescribe medications, and sleeping pills according to your condition.
- Maintain your health, and eat foods that are rich in magnesium and calcium. They are good for absorption. Insomnia and its Causes.
- Maintain a sleep journal. Record anything and everything that worries you and keeps good track of your sleep schedule.
- Maintain a stress-free environment.
- Practice meditation, this is one of the most effective methods for getting a good night’s sleep.
- Exercise or yoga is a must for getting rid of insomnia.
- Maintain a normal temperature that suits you, not too cold or too hot.
- Make sure you have a comfortable mattress.
- Make sure you don’t phone in the room in which you are sleeping and make it a habit to not use the phone for one hour while sleeping.
- Maintaining a good lifestyle.
- Eat fruits that are rich in vitamin B as they help in promoting sleep.
- For some people, massaging their feet before falling asleep helps them get a good night’s sleep.
- Taking a warm bath before going to bed also helps for a good night’s sleep.
- Drinking milk before going to bed also helps as it contains an amino acid that promotes drowsiness.
- Chamomile tea also helps in easing the brain as it has sedatives and also it is herbal so it is safe to drink.
- Go for a walk after having dinner, as it will help in digestion and better digestion can also give better sleep.
- Listen to music that soothes your brain and makes you happy. Insomnia and its Causes.
- Most importantly, make yourself happy, cause when one is happy brain releases DOPAMINE, which is also known as HAPPY HORMONE, which makes one feel pleasurable.
- Last but not the least, make changes to your routine. Insomnia and its Causes.
Who is Experiencing Insomnia?
- One shouldn’t take medications and sleeping pills for too long as it might be addicting and make one more dependent on them. Insomnia and its Causes. These medications are only for the short term so that one doesn’t use them as drugs. One can be a drug addict if one uses medications for the long term, as the brain slowly starts getting dependent on them. Sleeping pills can be seen as a fast and easy remedy only for a period of time. Their higher dose can even be fatal. Insomnia and its Causes.
- While taking sleeping pills avoid taking alcohol as it can interfere with your medications.
- Don’t use over-the-counter (OTC) medicines without a doctor’s prescription.
- Don’t do exercise just before going to bed.
- Don’t eat a big fat meal at night time.
- Don’t take stress as it will only add up to the insomnia problems.
- Reduce your caffeine intake.
- Don’t use your phone prior to your sleep.
- Avoid junk food as much as you can.
- Don’t drink alcohol.
- Cut off nicotine, sugar, and salt as these can trigger insomnia or can even worsen the condition.
- Excess salt stimulates the nervous system, which can disturb digestion and itself disturb sleep.
Insomnia is a problem that is affecting millions of people. But the good news is that with a proper sleep schedule, eating habits, and discipline, one can get rid of it. Worrying about sleep can also lead to insomnia.
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