Importance of Education
Internation Day Of Education – Education refers to the process of learning new information and comprehending topics that will be relevant to our daily lives. The phrase “education” encompasses all of our information, not just that which we have learned through books or in a classroom, but also that which we have learned from experiences and gained from other sources.

Our ideas on life are altered by education. The value of education begins in our early years when it is first introduced at home. It is a lifelong endeavor that will come to a stop with our passing, or perhaps, if there is an afterlife, it will continue there as well. A civilization without education cannot ensure that the future of our planet is bright. Internation Day of Education is celebrated in the month of January every year.
Knowing one’s rights and obligations toward one’s family, society, and country can be accomplished in large part through education. Education broadens a person’s worldview and equips them with the tools they need to combat injustice, corruption, violence, and other negative forces in the world. It is no secret that research is our best tool for bettering our lives now and in the future. Additionally, it helps a person feel more confident in his life, and success depends greatly on confidence. Every government makes financial investments to support national education programs for its citizens.
There are numerous nations that offer free education within their borders. Education is crucial to our lives because it provides us the power to alter what will happen in the future. We have the power to alter the course of history so that everyone can live in peace and enjoy their lives. And in order to do this, we must be able to read and write, which is something that will come with us through our education.
Since the majority of knowledge may be acquired through reading books, scriptures, Vedas, etc., a person will become literate with the aid of education and the capacity to read and write. In contemporary culture, education plays a significant role. The key to unlocking new opportunities for growth and progress in life is education. A well-informed person can influence his family and society in a number of places to develop.

Our daily lives are stable because of the value we place on education. You need to let them know that while anything can be split, your education cannot. You can improve your chances of making your career better than others with the aid of your education and knowledge. Our financial security is improved through education. Nowadays, those with more education get hired for higher-paying positions, which helps them ensure their future. Through education, we develop lifelong independence. A person’s education is entirely his own, and with its aid, he or she can feel safe and independent. During the course of the studies, a person may select any field.
Currently, finding a job is the most difficult endeavor. To get a job, one must outbid thousands of other applicants. The number of applicants for a job is directly proportionate to the amount of education. Additionally, there will be low-paying jobs if you apply for occupations requiring lesser levels of education. However, a person’s chances of landing the dream job can be increased if they have strong credentials and educational background. People with a strong educational foundation have the opportunity to accept a position that will pay them more than other positions. A person’s aspirations are all achieved by having a bigger income.
The year 2022 will mark the celebration of International Day of Education, with the theme “Changing Course, Transforming Education.” The event, organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), strives to highlight the most significant changes that must be fostered in order to realize everyone’s fundamental right to education and create a more sustainable, inclusive, and peaceful future. A resolution (resolution 73/25) recognizing January 24 as the International Day of Education was adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 3 in honor of the contribution that education makes to peace and development.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights article 26 guaranteed the right to education. Elementary education is demanded to be both free and required by the declaration. Farther stipulating that nations must make higher education available to all, the 1989-adopted Convention on the Rights of the Child goes further. The international community acknowledged the importance of education for the accomplishment of each of the 2030 Agenda’s 17 goals when it adopted the document in September 2015. In particular, Sustainable Development Goal 4 seeks to “provide inclusive and equitable quality education and encourage lifelong learning opportunities for everyone” by the year 2030.
Drummond celebrates Internation Day of Education today. Because #knowledgeispower, and it's #education that unlocks that power to endless possibilities.
— Drummond Scientific Company (@drummondsci) January 24, 2022
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