What is international conflict?
Conflict stands for disputes between two parties, divergence, and controversy, conflict doesn’t mean to have violence among a group of people but it also includes dissimilarity in thoughts or conflict has various terms at a broad level like where settlement does not take place issue lead to conflict, conflict always exists between two interest parties or it might exist among the more than two interest parties. if two parties stand for one resource then it would be a conflict, when we are talking about the international conflict it is something constraints between the two international countries, like a disagreement between two countries, the same interest of two different countries over the same resource, the force acting by one international country over the other might generate conflict. In the international arena, conflict might lead diplomatically or it can be violent in nature. It includes escalating and militarising by one country which creates tension for other countries and leads to the conflict at international level.
Let’s understand the difference between conflict at the national level and international level.
- National level Conflict
Conflict at the national level might lead to internal state conflict, for example, the CAA amendment 1955 Act, was a conflict at the national level where citizens were against the government, and that created conflict between the citizens and the government, Jammu Kashmir is also one of India National conflict. USA black people movement was another conflict between the government and the people of the USA. The people of Afghanistan raising voices against Taliban rule and Sharia law is another national conflict there is a list of such conflicts every country has its National conflict but every sovereign country has the power to deal with it without the intervention of any other international countries.
The conflict generated since the background or history like why the treaty of Westphalia came into effect? That was the international conflict where international countries or more than two countries fighting for a similar interest of gaining territorial boundaries their treaty of Westphalia did the conflict resolution work and gave the concept of Nation-state with sovereignty.

- International level Conflict
Still historic and one of the memorable incidents one can’t forget is here the first world war 1914-1918, second world war 1939-1945 is another example of internal peace conflict and the proper killer of the humanity of people.
1945 Hiroshima Nagasaki event itself is a historic international country conflict from a human perspective it is genocide and the wrong way to prove power realism might have significance in international politics but idealism or the human perspective itself is an important aspect that needs to be maintained even in the war.
Then the cold war period, India Pakistan Kulbhushan Yadav case, Paris agreement, ASIAN, and SAARC these organizations help to resolve the conflict among the nations.
India’s nonalignment treaty itself played a crucial role in the conflict resolution between the two arenas like the east and Western alliance conflict.
There is a list of several international conflicts in which these are the major remarkable conflict from a historical perspective. Otherwise, colonization itself is the conflict series between different countries like FRANCE, ASIA, INDIA, AFRICA, LATIN AMERICA, etc. These are the cities where conflict has been observed against the rule of the Dutch, Britishers, and Portuguese.
At present we have RUSSIA & UKRAINE conflict, which is also the biggest and most remarkable international country in which Russia infringed international laws and crushed the humanitarian approach. Throughout 2021 and 2022, a Russian military build-up on the border of Ukraine escalated tensions between the two countries and strained their bilateral relations, with the United States sending a strong message that an invasion would be met with dire consequences for Russia’s economy.

It is not only a conflict between Russia and Ukraine now it looks like a conflict between Russia and the western side countries like the USA, the EU, etc.
Diplomatically the USA by now just escalating the war and militarizing its boundaries.
Individual perspective
People of any country might support its government but they will never support human genocide or human loss in any war the reality is that any conflict which is violent in nature leads to the fall of the economy or the fall of humanity. Where the State might gain prosperity but be left with saddened people or human loss.
War is not a solution in today’s world conflict over territorial expansion is nothing but devastating like what Russia brought in Ukraine.
Because the state can lead or initiate war but the original role played by the people like that military which is fighting for the boundaries of the nation itself is the people of the nation first who serve Their life for protection.
Different philosophers and thinkers have given their definitions of conflict similarly over international conflict. There is a list of National and international conflict worldwide because heterogeneous countries or society with diverse population or different mankind generates different perspective leading to conflict people do have not similar behavior some people do not have tendencies of compromising or some people may be compassionate. But at the international level, one can’t even expect to be compassionate.

In international conflict, the term depicts the meaning itself like inter means in which two or more than two nations are involved and conflict which means disagreement, it might be in verbal or in a violent form. Conflict is a live escalation In politics one can’t even think to get rid of conflict at the national or international level. As political thinker asserts that people are self-interest animal so conflict is part of it some conflict results in the society’s Welfarement like Bishnoi or Chipko moment against the environment exploitation revive the love among the people towards the environment but most of the time conflict brings devastation like a first world war, second world war, cold war, decolonization period, LGP period and the at present the Russia Ukraine war, Afghanistan conquers by Taliban, etc.
Abrogation of the 370 act in Jammu Kashmir, became controversial by Pakistan which was supported by China in the international court where international countries and India stands itself or States that it is India’s ( a sovereign country) internal matter not another country has right to interfere.
Conflict is for longer life it will never be disappeared or vanished due to the heterogeneous society or the Self-interest nature of the people and the national interest as well.
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