Everyone in a population has excised to publicly available communication network facilities and services typically it is provided through such means as pay telephone community tally center and community international access terminal information access is the freedom or ability to identify obtained and make use of database or information effectively universal access means free access for people of all the ages and abilities in different solution and under various circumstances, if you are talking about the significance of universal access to information then it promotes the idea of universal access information which means every individual should have right to see received and impart knowledge. This idea is vital because it is best connected to the right to freedom of expression and the right to freedom of the press.
The main objective of the day is to celebrate and accelerate sustainable solutions with the aim that reaching the sustainable development goal by mobilizing government civil society and people to take on a ship and contribute to sustainable development goal 16 which gave emphasis to just peaceful and inclusive society and our measured by public access to information.
Considering that several civil society organizations and government bodies in the world have adopted and currently celebrate dissolves advance the general United nation assembly in its resolution 74/5 from 15 October 2019 adopted 28 September as the international day for universal access to information. Universal access to information highlights that everyone has the right to see received and impart information and access to information is more and more recognized as pre-adequate for sustainable development and for cleaning human rights with sustainable development goal 16 the target to promote access to information is also anchored in the 2013 agenda.

UNESCO, the intergovernmental program the international program for the development of communication, and the information for all programs provide a platform and frame for all stakeholders to participate in the international discussion on policy and guidelines in the area of access to information.
In 2009 the house of Indian parliament and the President of India both signed and approves a bill that would grant free law mandate education for children aged 6 to 14 it was considered a major step to word universal education for all.
The Theme for the International day for universal access to information of 2021 was the right to know building back better with access to information, this highlight the role of access to information laws and their implementation to build back strong institution for the public good and sustainable development as well as to strengthen international cooperation in the field of implementing the right to information as a fundamental human right virtual thematic panel will be organized together with partner institution so that everyone around the world can follow the discussion
And the present team for universal access to information is artificial intelligence e-governance and access to information the global celebration will take place in Tashkent Uzbekistan and it will be included a high-level opening a campaign by inter minister round table on access to information and artificial intelligence with the participation of international expert this event will be an opportunity to discuss in several panel discussion access to information and artificial intelligence covering both benefit and dress of good governance principle it harnessing the opportunity of e-governance and artificial intelligence for inform and empower citizen, measuring progress on access to information laws and its implementation showcase of effective e-Governance and use of artificial intelligence to promote right to information open data in support of transparency innovation and e-governance showcase of effective, e-Governance and use of artificial intelligence to promote of information.
A country can be developed only if people is having the information and protest, movement are the results of the active participation of people in the country. Also at present time artificial intelligence is becoming one of the best tools for everyone as through e-governance, you can access any governmental policy 24hr 7 day and with no misleading.
You can celebrate international universal access to information through spreading awareness among people regarding the importance of information and right, you can conduct webinars, read books related to information rights, can access through e-governance and you can also conduct awareness sessions and spread through social media.
Your single contribution leads to the betterment of society and helps to develop.
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