Mauni Amavasya Significance


Amavasya is the Sanskrit word for the new moon or day when there is no moon. Every time something or someone is absent, their presence always becomes stronger as a result of that absence. You never felt a friend or loved one’s presence as strongly as when they were with you. But when they leave, you no longer feel their presence as strongly.

It is accurate even on an emotional level. When they are around, you hardly notice their existence. Only after they are gone will the void they have created be stronger than their presence. Like the moon, her absence makes her more present than ever. She is present on any given day, even the Pournami, but on Amavasya, her presence and qualities are felt even more strongly.

Mauni Amavasya
Mauni Amavasya

On Amavasya, the earth broods; life in the world slows down, which is a tremendous chance because life integration takes place much more effectively on this day. You become aware of your body when there is a certain slowing down. When everything is going well and you are busy, you are unaware of what is happening to your body because you are just focused on yourself. However, even a minor illness manifests, the body becomes a concern and requires your care. Only when things go wrong do you realize, “This is not me.” The only thing bothering me is my body. A distance becomes very obvious.

That is why Amavasya has this meaning. Everything slows down on that day because there is an integration of the ingredients taking place. Pournami is revered if you’re looking to improve your health. Amavasya is a holy day if you’re trying to find freedom. As a result, there are several practices and sadhanas for those two aspects of life.

One might simply become conscious of “What is me and what is not me” on this day, and from that point on, the road from falsehood to truth begins. Every month, an opportunity arises organically from Amavasya to Pournami. There is a natural chance accessible starting with every Amavasya and continuing on, even for those who are utterly uninformed.

Pournami’s nature leans more toward the Idea of the feminine. It’s pretty raw on Amavasya. Shivarathri, the day before Amavasya, is referred to as such since it is Shiva’s night. It has a primitive nature. It feels as if the creation has been dissolved when everything is completely dark. Amavasya has a hint of the destroyer about it.

Typically, particularly feminine energy would be upset on the night of Amavasya because it causes her to feel certain fears and disturbances, or it could become roguish and masculine. Pournami lends itself well to a feminine spirit. Therefore, the women utilize pournami. If a man wants to dissolve, the Pournami night is not ideal. Pournami can be used by a man if he wants to be healthy, but Amavasya is preferable if he wants to be freed or dissolved.

Amavasya is excellent for everyone looking for complete annihilation. You may have heard that if a person has a mild mental imbalance, they become more so on Pournamis and Amavasya. The gravitational effects of the moon on our globe are the reason why this is the case. Therefore, everything is being pulled up. There are attempts to raise entire oceans. 

Mauni Amavasya
Mauni Amavasya

The blood in your body is also attempting to defy the gravitational pull of the moon. This means that if you already have a slight mental imbalance, it will only get worse that day due to an excessive amount of blood flow to your brain. In any case, your happiness will increase.

If you’re unhappy, your misery will increase. Due to the blood being drawn upward, whatever quality you possess is slightly increased on those days. Thus, there is some sort of upward pressure on the entire energy field. These two days are like a gift from nature for a spiritual sadhaka who is constantly employing all available tools to raise his energy.

Mauni Amavasya

The Hindu holiday of Mauni Amavasya often referred to as “Mauna Amavasya,” is celebrated on the Amavasya (a day with no moon) in the Hindu month of Magha. According to the Gregorian calendar, it occurs in January or February. Due to the fact that Mauni Amavasya falls during the month of Magha, it is also known as “Maghi Amavasya.”

The word “mauni” or “mauna” means silence, hence on this particular day the majority of Hindus practice total silence. This day is also marked by a prominent rite known as Mauni Amavasya Snan. During the Kumbh Mela and Magha Mela, this custom of taking a holy bath is quite prevalent. A day set out for spiritual sadhna is known as Mauni Amavasya. 

Many regions of the nation, particularly northern India, have a high prevalence of this practice. In Allahabad, India’s Uttar Pradesh state, this festival is celebrated in a very distinctive way. The most significant day for bathing in the holy Ganges occurs on Mauni Amavasya during the Kumbh Mela in Prayag (Allahabad), and it is also known as the “Kumbh Parva” or “Amrit Yoga” day.  Thus, Mauni Amavasya is a day for acquiring wisdom, joy, and fortune.

Mauni Amavasya rituals:

 On the day of Mauni Amavasya, worshippers rise early to take a sacred bath in the Ganges at daybreak. If a person is unable to travel to any pilgrimage site on this day, they must add a small amount of Ganga “jal” to their bathwater. It is a common misconception that one must keep quiet while having a bath. On this day, worshippers of Lord Brahma also recite the “Gayatri mantra” and worship him.

Mauni Amavasya
Mauni Amavasya

The bathing procedure is completed, and after that, the devotees sit down to meditate. Concentration and inner serenity can be attained via the practice of meditation. Any improper behavior must be avoided on the day of Mauni Amavasya. On the day of Mauni Amavasya, some devotees maintain complete “Mauna,” or stillness. It’s called “Mauna Vrat” to engage in this activity.

If someone is unable to observe Mauna vrat for the entire day, they must be silent until all of the puja rites have been performed. Many Hindu devotees, including the “kalpavasis,” take a holy bath in the Sangam at Prayag on the day of Mauni Amavasya and then meditate for the remainder of the day.

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