National Human Trafficking Awareness Day – Human trafficking is also called trafficking in persons it is a form of modern-day slavery involving the illegal transport of an individual by force or deception for the purpose of labor, sexual exploitation, or activities in which others benefit financially human trafficking is a global problem affecting people of all the age even this is a Harsh reality of today Era, that still Nation is facing this issue even after in ages of about kaal.

Illegally people are kidnapped, stabbed, and transferred to another state, or another country as well for purposes of financial benefits, and there trafficked humans are treated as slaves, physical benefits are taken from them, and at present time for surrogacy purposes, human trafficking is increasing day by day.
Lack of education, poverty, demand for cheap labor/ sex, lack of human rights protection lack of legitimate economical opportunities, some cultural factors, conflict, natural disasters, and lack of safe migration options are some of the causes behind human trafficking. In order to combat this issue every month in January world day against human trafficking in person was observed to raise awareness among the population. On 11 Jan national human trafficking awareness day brings attention to a crime that leaves a lasting toll on human life families and communities around the world.
Awareness Day
National human trafficking awareness day on January 11 raises Awareness of the Persistent issue of human trafficking the entire month of January has already been recognized as a national slavery and human trafficking prevention month.

This day is specifically dedicated to awareness and prevention of illegal practices this holiday is also separate from World day against traffic in person as established by the United nation, by the time senate established this day of observance in 2007 it has drawn Massive involvement from individual contribution to government initiative. The fearsome injustice of human trafficking can affect people from any background and on this day we are supposed to fight for human right sake.
Human trafficking is the exploitation of another person for labor, domestic servitude, or commercial sexual activity through force, fraud, or coercion. It is also the act of enslaving or exploiting others who are reluctant to be enslaved or exploited. Unfortunately, slavery in some form has existed for hundreds of years – and continues to exist today, despite the fact that many people are unaware of this fact.

Most people have heard about the slave trade in the 1400s and beyond. The slave trade, established by Europeans, abducted and held in bondage millions of Africans from across the continent, eventually selling them for work or sexual exploitation. For centuries, this practice flourished in countries such as Spain, the expanding United States, Holland, France, Sweden, and Denmark.
Governments did not emerge until the late 1700s and early 1800s. began to declare the Transatlantic slave trade illegal, with Great Britain leading the way in 1807 and the United States following in 1820 – the slave trade became a crime punishable by death, but more universal emancipation took several years to attain. Slavery was largely abolished by the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, and it was completely abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment of 1866.
Governments began to examine “white slavery,” the phrase used at the time for sexual human trafficking when the Transatlantic Slave Trade was declared immoral. The International Agreement for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic was put into law by European monarchs in 1904, and 12 countries signed the International Convention for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic.
Slave traffic. The League of Nations quickly altered the name from “white slavery” to “trade in women and children.”
The movement against human trafficking made progress in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act, passed in 2000, was the first federal statute to address modern-day slavery. Free The Slaves, an American charity affiliated with Anti-Slavery International, was also founded. The United States Senate adopted a measure designating January 11th as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in 2007. In 2010, President Obama dedicated the entire month of January to raising awareness and preventing human trafficking. Today, there are over 50 organized groups worldwide combating this illegal behavior, and more awareness has been generated than ever before.
Top agencies working for awareness
There are the top 5 charities dedicated to ending human trafficking like the lovel46 coalition to abolish slavery and the trafficking coalition against trafficking women and the agape international mission. The National Agency for the prohibition of trafficking in persons – NAP TIP is India’s initiated agency working again human trafficking.
Brack OBAMA took the initiative of celebrating national human trafficking awareness day annually on 11 January, the first day of awareness was observed in 2011 on this day people wears blue for spreading awareness, last year, the theme was use and abuse of technology which indicates how technology can enable human trafficking each year a new thing is chosen for human trafficking awareness day for global observation the color blue is also designate as official colorful national human trafficking awareness day on this day people were blue to show support for the victim of human trafficking around the world.
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