Ozone Prevention Day – International day for the preservation of the ozone layer, in 1994 the United nation general assembly proclaim 16 September as the international day for the preservation of the ozone layer which commodity the date of the signing in 1987 of the monetary protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer result into the harmful ultraviolet rays.
What is the Ozone Layer?
The ozone layer or ozone shield is a region of the earth’s stratosphere which observe most of Sun ultraviolet radiation the ozone layer is a thin part of the earth’s atmosphere that absorbs all the sum harmful rays. Ozone holes are names for areas of damage to the ozone layer.
Ozone protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun without an ozone layer in the atmosphere life on earth would be very difficult plants cannot live and grow in heavy ultraviolet radiation nor can the plan tones that serve as food for most of Ocean life which resulted into the disbalance in whole ocean activities. Ozone Prevention Day is of utmost importance.
The cause behind Ozone Depletion?

Refrigerator and air conditioner are available in every house it produces chlorofluorocarbon which results in depletion, there are multiple reasons hydrogen gas, methane gas production, increasing pollution, deforestation, and greenhouse gas altogether results in the depletion of the ozone layer. Ozone Prevention Day
“Human is behind the depletion and ozone affects the human as well”
Depletion of ozone results in skin cancer disease among people, ozone layer depletion causes an increase in ultraviolet radiation on the earth’s surface which damages human health, and an increase in certain types of skin cancer eye cataracts, and immune deficiency disorder ozone layer depletion is a thinning of ozone layer present in the upper atmosphere. Ozone Prevention Day It resulted in phytoplankton dying in presence of ultraviolet rays which result in a decrease in fish productivity and a disbalance of the ocean cycle.
Sunlight makes life possible everything only makes life no possible in the late 1970 scientists discovered that humidity was creating a whole in this protective she and so they raise the alarm it is celebrated in order to that awareness among the people about the depletion of the ozone layer and search for the possible outcomes and the solution to preserve it also known as the international day for the preservation of ozone layer.
Ozone Prevention Day It protects the earth from the harmful ray of the sun and helps in preserving life on the planet according to Antonio Guterres who was the United nation chairman state the Montreal Protocol and the Kigali amendment show that acting together is possible so let us at now to slope climate change world hungry and protect the planet that we all depend on”
Life is not possible on earth without the ozone layer which is found in the upper layer of the atmosphere. Ozone Prevention Day is a highly reactive gas it protects life on earth by observing the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation and also known as also the day reminder signing of the Montreal protocol on a substance that was declared only on this day by people from all over the world expected to join the monetary protocol for talk and seminar.
The Theme of World Ozone Day
The Theme for 2022 is the Montreal protocol @ 35 global corporations protecting life on earth which recognize the wider impact the Montreal protocol has on climate change and the need to attack in collaboration for partnership and develop global corporation to address climate challenge and protect life on earth. Ozone Prevention Day
The theme of World ozone day is the Montreal protocol keeping our food and waxing cool in the United Nation it high light that the Montreal protocol does so much more likes climate change and helps to boost energy efficiency in the cooling sector which contribute to security theme for World 2020 was on for life 35 years of all protection it marks 35 years of convention and 35 years of global on layer protection this strength of Earth from most of some harmful ultraviolet radiation.
Even the theme of World ozone day 2019 was 32 years and heal this year’s theme celebrates 3 decades of a remarkable international corporation to protect the ozone layer and climate under the Montreal protocol. Ozone Prevention Day also reminds people to keep up the momentum to ensure healthy people and a healthy plan the southern hemisphere will follow in 2015 and follow reason by 2016, no doubt that was all layer protection efforts contributed to fighting climate change in 1994 the United nation general assembly proclaim 16 September international day for preservation.
The United Nation general assembly proclaim 16 September as the international day for the preservation of ozone layering the date of the signing in 1987 of the Montreal protocol on substances that depletes the ozone layer.
In 2012 the 20th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol was celebrated also on this day educators teach their students about the benefit of the ozone layer and special events and activity organized to spread awareness regarding the conservation of ozone depletion and heal the earth. Ozone Prevention Day
The Vienna Convention and Montreal protocol became the first cities in the history of the United Nations to achieve universal ratification on 16 September 2009. On 15th October 2016, Ozone Prevention Day the Montreal protocol on substances that deletes the ozone layer reached an agreement in Kigali Rwanda to face down hydro chlorocarbon disagreement known as the Kigali agreement.
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