UPSC Examination
UPSC conducts Civil Services Examination every year, which we also know by the name of the IAS Exam. UPSC conducts about a dozen examinations for various services like engineering, medical, forest service, etc. In this article, we will know about UPSC IAS Exam Pattern.

There are three stages in this exam, the first is the Preliminary Exam, the second is Main Exam and the third is the Interview or Personality Test. Every aspirant has to go through these stages and only then does he/she become an officer. Next, we will understand in detail all these phases and their patterns.
Preliminary Exam: This Exam is held in the Month of June.
In this period of the examination, we need to give two papers, in which the first being General Investigations which comes as the first inquiry paper and the subsequent paper is Civil Services Fitness Test.
Which paper is of 200 imprints and every one of the inquiries is objective sort, to tackle which you get four hours, or at least, two hours for each question paper. Something significant connected with this exam is that the outcome of the preliminary exam isn’t added to the last test of the year and without clearing the preliminary exam you can’t give the main exam moreover.

In the last value of the IAS exam, just the imprints scored in the fundamental exam and interview are added and as needs are you are still up in the air.
Mains Test: This Test is held in the Month of October.
There is a sum of nine papers in this test and there are around 180 to 200 inquiries, the complete of which is 1750 imprints. The time distributed for each paper is three hours.
First paper: In this, you need to pick any one language out of the eighteen Indian dialects based on which this paper is based, and it is of 300 imprints with 20 to 25 inquiries. What’s more, remember that the signs of this paper are additionally not included in the final result.
Second paper: This question paper is in English language and it is additionally of 300 imprints and the characteristics of this paper are likewise excluded from the eventual outcome.
Third paper: This is an Exposition Composing paper which is in two segments in which the article must be composed on one point from each part and this paper is of 250 imprints. The characteristics of this paper are added to the final result.
Fourth, Fifth, 6th, and Seventh Paper: This multitude of papers is of General Examinations and each paper is of 250 imprints. This large number of papers are taken to test how you might interpret social, financial, and so on issues. In which your comprehension and information are tried in different issues and circumstances.
Eighth and ninth papers: Both these papers are Discretionary Papers that you can pick as indicated by your advantage. Each question paper is of 250 imprints and the signs of both these papers are included in the final result.
Interview: It is Conducted between the Months of February to April.
This is the last and most important stage of this Civil Services Examination, after you clear the Main Examination (Written) you are called for the Interview. The interview is of a total of 750 marks and the marks scored in it are added to your merit list. We can give the interview in our favorite languages like Hindi or English etc. Interviews are generally held within the month of February to April.

Functions of UPSC
The work of UPSC is related to Article 320 of the Constitution. Under Article 320, all the supervision related to the recruitment process in civil services is with the commission. According to this article, the following are the functions of the Union Public Service Commission.
- To conduct examinations for the appointment of officers.
- Selection of students passed in an interview.
- Appointment of officers by absorption.
- Work relating to discipline for various posts in the civil service.
- To advise the Government in taking the right decision in any matter.
- Restoring officers for various posts under the government and making amendments in case of errors in them.
- Recruiting State Public Service Officers as officers from the Union Public Service.
- Organizing departmental promotion committees.
- To deal with any other matter referred to it by the President of India.
Salary after UPSC Exam-
Students selected in the Civil Services Examination by UPSC are rendered on the basis of their rank in various posts (like IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS, etc.). The salary of all officers is given according to their position. There is not much difference in salary, but IAS is given a slightly higher amount in basic pay than all others. Yes, or the fact is correct that apart from basic pay all other facilities are given equally to every civil service officer.
Around ₹45000 is given during training but after being appointed as a District Officer, the starting salary of IAS and IPS is the same (₹56,100). The highest salary of IPS is Rs 2,25,000 while IAS is given Rs 2,50,000. This process of giving salary has been done on the basis of the Seventh Pay Commission.
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