1. Make sure you have a healthy diet

Skin care is not just about what you put on your skin – it is more about what you put on your body. If you do not have a strong diet, it will show up on your skin. Therefore, eating well will help your skin to stay healthy.
These are the best nutrients for your skin:
Vitamin A: It is found in raw vegetables such as kale and spinach, orange and yellow vegetables such as carrots and yams, fish, eggs and cheddar.
Vitamin B: It is found in grains, nuts and vegetables, meat, poultry, and fish.
L-ascorbic acid: It is found in natural orange products such as oranges, various organic products such as strawberries and kiwi, red and green peppers, and tomatoes.
Vitamin E: Found in raw vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, nuts, and vegetable oils. These nutrients are important for the health of the skin for a variety of reasons. For example, a 2012 report found that oral C and E supplementation combined with oral protection protects against UV damage and dull spots may result from excessive sun exposure. In addition, the instructions for vitamin A in the regeneration of skin cells, as well as L-ascorbic acid are cancer-fighting agents, which can provide additional protection for your skin.
2. Clean regularly
Cleansing until early in the day and night should be the first step in your skin care program, says Caren Campbell, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in the San Francisco Bay area. Cleansing often adds to the glossy skin by removing dead skin cells, dirt, and dirt from the skin, preventing pores and darkening of the skin, says Campbell. You should clean with a mild facial cleanser. Campbell suggests that Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser and CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser as two unconventional spending options are consistent decisions.
3. Shed
Shedding can help to reduce the layer of dead, dry skin cells – revealing shiny, really shiny skin. Campbell says it relies on scraping material (similar to scours with crushed particles) as cleansing can cause small tears, or small scratches, on the skin. He suggests using a substance exfoliator, for example, glycolic corrosive several times a week. When the changes in your skin cells begin to diminish, you can use it daily or for dryness.
4. Use active L-ascorbic acid
After cleansing for the first half of the day, Campbell says you should use a few drops of serum of active L-ascorbic acid. As a little extra, she says L-ascorbic acid helps your sunscreen work better, which is why it’s best to use it in the first half of the day instead of at night.
Because of its cellular stabilizing properties, Campbell states that the active Vitamin C is known for:
The dots are the color of the forest floor and release the former. Reduce skin redness. It helps with living collagen, which brings out better color and texture.
5. Apply twice daily
Dry skin will look dull, and an unusual way to reduce this is to saturate it regularly. For best results, Campbell says you should be satisfied every day.
Suggested Read: Hydrating and moisturizing skin the right way
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