Social evil means the evil in a society like how it is pre-existing in society in form of dowry, child labor, child abuse, domestic violence, rape case, harassment, and other activities.
You have fear of those societies
Who is having your fear?
That is true people do not let a girl be bolder because they always have fearsome of society, a society which takes stands for the good they are the one at some point, who is indirectly promoting everything, like you can see 10-year chhotu at a tea stall, and the owner won’t let you have words with him because he knows his evil part, you can see the people at the road for bagging if society was not evil then this should not be done.
Why after rape only girls have to bare the stigma of society? Isn’t that the fault of society we have learned something good from society but something bad too, and here this bad is society treatment like a girl to be blamed for wearing a short dress or her cool aura but a boy never ever is judged for his cool aura, abusing habit and typical passing judgment.
Dowry (The Social Evil)
Dowry is one of the social evil, where directly one wants nothing but indirectly they want everything for Sake of well marriage arrangements. lakhs of women’s lost their life just due to the reason of dowry.

In the largest places like India, women’s security not ensure as in Bilkis Bano’s case itself is the lack of society. No matter how advanced the country has become, there are many factors that need attention then are many social evils destroying the planet at such a fast pace that if we do not look after it, it will be too late.
Types of Social Evil
There is many social levels in the society for wear society has two fight for its on betterment safe and secure future and first among damage women safety no wonder why this is an out most essential issue in India there has been cases people cannot forget when it comes to reading molar station domestic violence are the women really safe this step out no you cannot always define on the government to bring change will have right to stand up for right and rays.
Voice needs to talk to teaching the daughter for their shorts cloth and their dressing sense and their way of talking and laughing at the rush side just for sake of society another one is illiteracy the country cannot really be termed as a developed country when there are so many sectors that are not logged after illiteracy has been one issue that is changing in a better way out but such as no pains India has been dealing with in literacy since independence but the effort really need to be strong enough to eradicate the social evil as soon as possible.
- Pollution (The Social Evil)
Pollution is also one of the social evils it is not just water that has turned black from loop but also the year that we breathe no matter how hard we try to clean the water and air it will be of no use at all we strongly need to stop abusing the natural resources and its exploitation as well we have to be strict word utilizing them effectively and efficiently if we continue destroying and exploiting our ecosystem the day is not far when our future generation will ask us and will question us about their right to breath in pure air?

- Shaming (The Social Evil)
Shaming is one issue that is being noticed nowadays it starts from the baby’s body shaving to being shamed people think it’s their right to judge the other person according to their low standard mentality people are being shamed for their body.

Hygiene and sanitation is one of the social evil that is a mandatory part of the routine and should not be neglected at all it is the right of every citizen of the country but fortunately, India has not been able to handle this issue according to the fact it is estimated that 80% of household have a mobile phone but 7:30 million people in India still do not have access to clean sanitation and toilets as a nation we need to fight with the social evil for the betterment of our own self and also for the upcoming generation.
- Mental (The Social Evil)
If the female literacy rate is low in the country then the growth of the country is its luggage because when women are not educated it impacts every member of the family Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh Bihar have the lowest female literacy rate that is a signifier that how still rooted in society. Female infanticide the deliberate killing of a newborn female child is called female infanticide the patriarchal nature of our society causes disable to continue for centuries even in the year of modernity people still use to follow this practice only for the sake of gender birth which is exactly the mental social evil.

Suggested Reads;Where is women’s safety??
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