mainly means the problem and water crisis denotes the scarcity of water, the water crisis is a health crisis nearly 1 million people die each year from water sanitation and hygiene-related disease which could be reduced with access to safe water or sanitation. Every two minutes a child die due to water lead problems. This can be a temporary water crisis in Delhi but yes, in other places there are various reasons which are affecting water crisis that as an increase in population, an increase In water consumption, wastage of water by people in just washing the streets, and water use for household purposes.
2025 we all will face severe water scarcity.
The water crisis is the main concerning issue because only we can not use 99% of the earth’s water because only 0.001% of it is useful for humans and what humans did was degrade of earth and extract its core component which consequence we all are suffering today. It is a reduction that by 2025 we all will face severe water scarcity.

water crisis
Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh followed by Rajasthan facing acute shortages of water in their region. At the level of country last summer UNICEF reported Lebanon with 71 percent of the population has suffered from a critical water shortage.
Water supplies will be affected in part of Delhi
Water supplies will be affected in part of Delhi starting Thursday due to the depletion of water level at Wazirabad pond following a reduction in the release of row water by Haryana in the Yamuna the Delhi Jal board India’s water crisis is often attributed to a lack of government planning, increased corporate, privatization, industrial human waste and government corruption in addition water scarcity in India are expected to be was the overall population is expected to increase 21.6 billion by the year 2015.

There is news that Haryana’s decision to release less water through the career line canal and Delhi sub-branch has hit operation at the water treatment plants at Wazirabad and Chandrawal. The board warned that supply in North, Central West, and South Delhi and location in New Delhi and the Delhi cantonment would remain hit till the situation improve.
Due to less receive of row water in Delhi sub-branch career line channel and reduction of the level
666.80 ft. against the normal level of 674.50 ft. In river Yamuna it Wazir Bagh the water production has been affected adversely in Wazir was water treatment plant.
Delhi has been facing a sewer water shortage
Delhi has been facing a sewer water shortage this summer with water levels depleting in the Yamuna the latest note issued by the Delhi Jal board warning the public of water shortage said that done rationalization of water in Delhi and that water will be available at low pressure till sufficient water is available.
Delhi government economical survey stated the total requirement of water in the capital was around 1380 million gallons a day in 2021 based on the norm of 60 gallons per capita per day the government has targeted a water supply of 998 MGD under the summer action plan.

I like the other parts of the city where the Delhi Jal board is a water utility the New Delhi municipal council treats and managers water supply and network however the council is dependent on the Delhi Jal board for the supply of row water because of the ongoing water shortage.
In the national capital as hit supply to New Delhi municipal council areas including lusters Delhi with this locality receiving 50 to 60% of its normal portable water supply overlap 10 days the reports at that average supply of water to National tele municipal corporation is 125 million liter per day but I supply over the past tense has only been 627 million liter per day due to such short of supply not only is the general public getting affected but it is also affecting public toilets in addition to the school where board exam is in progress.
How to prevent water crises?
We all need to take initiative to save the earth’s water, the government also has an initiative like save water save the earth, but there is a need to implement more and more projects in order to spread awareness among youth.
Seeds are sawn from the house, so children first need to teach about the basic understanding in regards to saving water and spread awareness through posters and schools also can take this initiative.
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