The Delhi government had begun posting information on escapee residences, Gram Sabha, and bought property all over its webpage to stop incidences of communal property getting “corruptly” handed to personal companies.
Subsequently, following the Lieutenant Governor’s involvement, two sub-divisional judges, a deputy secretariat, as well as a referral for such removal of such an extra local authority have all been dismissed due to allegations of such transferring of escapee property throughout North Delhi.
In addition, two others have been banned for their suspected participation in an identical “crime” in South Delhi: a sub-registrar as well as a “kanoon.”
A top income agency member stated, “We were putting information on escapee homes, Gram Sabha property, and purchased property or during the procedure of purchase, on their website.
According to him, this should make it easier for sub-registrars to establish whether the property they are registering has previously been purchased and are in the progress of becoming so.
“We were working to compile information from various property databases onto a website such that the relevant authorities may examine the progress of property registration. Additionally, this should expedite the registering procedure and eliminate any potential of fraud “added the source.
According to authorities, to determine yet if the property getting recorded is purchased or not, the sub-registrars need a number of No Objection Certificates, notably ones by property purchase agents.
To avoid having to wait for such NOC and also to allow sub-registrars to verify the condition of such property on one‘s laptops, the information on purchased assets would also be published on the site.
“The sub-registrar shall not be held liable if the property information that has been purchased or that would be in the progress of being purchased is filed but not accessible upon that site. The procedure of collecting information and downloading is managed by the subdivisional judges “explained the income official.
According to him, this would conserve those who are registering existing home’s efforts since at the moment, whenever documents are presented for certification of just about any asset, the sub-registrar requests a statement all over its progress, which takes effort.
“This is indeed a murky subject because the study requires 15–30 days to complete as well as the licensing of properties requires longer. Additionally, this opens the door for the immorality which we seek to eradicate “Said he.
According to authorities, Delhi is home to 600–700 evacuees. These assets, which belonged to individuals who immigrated to Pakistan following the split in 1947, are indeed regarded as hostile assets.
The Delhi government began posting information on escapee houses, Gram Sabha, and property services on its webpage in response to instances of govt property getting “corruptly” handed to personal enterprises. According to the most recent census, there are many 105 towns within the regional capital, comprising 34 rural towns as well as the remaining industrialized communities.
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