We are in the golden era but in the true sense, we have reached so far. We must have improved but also with the changing pattern of the time. Education has been reached mainly to the urban and rural class but can we say we are in a fully educated society?
We have celebrated the 75 of independence and we are in the “Amrit Kaal” period but is really what we are? Don’t we need to question ourselves?
Everything is interlinked in a hierarchy
I think everything is interlinked in a hierarchy like population, poverty, and illiteracy, which gave rise to child labour as the population increases due to illiteracy, then due to starvation and without baby planning, it leads to begging or poverty and then that child suffers whole life through illiteracy.
I met a small child name Satyam he was at his 10, never went to school just hardly know to write his name, he came to work in some house permanently who has been sent by his parents by misleading him, I get into know that “poor” child having no wish to do household work and I try to sent him back to the village in which I got accomplish but for how long? I get to know in a conversation that this child sent Mora for more than 6 months in some Gujrat hotel only at age of 10 and return back to home himself isn’t that sound hilarious? Is this guy really “poor” I think poor is the parents who end up and bleak his future he might be a bright student more sufficient enough to feed the family after his school at least. But he left with nothing but a curse for all those who exploited him.
That labouring which he was doing is also the symbol of mentally and emotionally exploration.
There are several laws related to child labour for sure our constitution itself inscribed the law against child labour under the fundamental right of education and even for eradication of child labour goverment purpose many initiatives like free education, mid-day meal scheme and below poverty card for free ration so that child no need to work but is it so?
Real-world is far away from all this rhetoric still, it is a most prominent social evil where only the child is whose future becomes bleak, today we can find many children as ragpickers, labour, bagger and even some at their parent’s shop. That is the sad reality.
You can see raw of children who are working in the periphery of Seemapuri under the age and their parents having no answer to this. Even in the bangle market of country Firozabad, there many many small children are working there as a helping hand isn’t it seem like the lost hope of those students this is time to be a ray of hope to them.
India low prohibit the employment of children under the age of 14 in occupation deemed hazardous which include domestic hotel and restaurant work. Under the law government, officials must remove and rehabilitate children and prosecute employers for legally using children.
National child labour project scheme
The government initiated the national child labour project scheme in 1988 to rehabilitate working children in 12 child labour endemic districts of the country the objective of this scheme is a major Central scheme for the rehabilitation of child labour. The national policy on child labour declared in August 1987 contains the action plan for tackling the problem of child labour with envisage a legislative action plan in which government enact the child labour prohibition and regulation act 1986 to prohibit the engagement of children in certain employment on the other hand government focus and convert of the general development programme for benefiting the children are a core group on the convergence of various welfare schemes of government has been constituted ministry of liver and employment.
Child labour prohibition and regulation act 1986 prohibits employment of children below the age of 14 in 18 occupations and 65 processes it is also envisaged in section -2 of India.
Subsequently, the act was amended in 2016 with the enactment of the child labour prohibition and regulation act which prohibit the employment of children below 14 years in all employment and also with the provision for the prohibition on employment of adolescence.
The objective of child labour law is?
The main objective of the child label prohibition and regulation act 1986 is to address social concerns and prohibit the engagement of children who have not completed the 14th year of age in certain employments and two regulate the condition of work of children who has been prohibited in occupation.
How we can curve child labour?
Child labour can curve through spreading awareness more student law and effective implementation, imparting education, providing food, discouraging people from employing children in home shops or factories, and supporting NGOs like saving the children in order to protect the child from child labouring.
Still, Humanity exists and for the sake of that humanity, one needs to help the children and try to find out some solution collectively.
Child labour looks like a vicious web of society where society wants to get rid of it but also involves into because ultimately the people providing money to a child, finally a man hiring a child for his tea stall.
It is not only the responsibility of the government but one and all to take charge in this system of child labour where parents are involved many times sometimes due to their condition and most of the time greed.
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