There are times when we want to visit a site but we can’t because the server keeps on giving out an error. Everyone has faced a website error.
Starting let’s discuss what is a website error?
A website error is a message which is sent by the server to the user revealing that something has gone wrong and you can’t access the website anymore. It is an HTTP error message. It can be a mistake from your side or an error caused by the site itself. Each error has an assigned or a devoted error code. There have been many cases of user-facing errors, let’s discuss the 5 most common errors faced by us as users:

The first type of error depicts an unauthorized error. This error takes place when a user or a website visitor tries to access a webpage that is restricted but they aren’t authorized to do so, which in most cases happens because of a failed login.
2. HTTP Error 400 (Bad Request):

The second type of error is being sent by the web server is basically an error that makes the user aware that the application or web browser you are using accessed it incorrectly or was corrupted while it was on its way.
3. HTTP Error 404 (Not Found):

Any internet user will recognize this error, everyone has faced this error once in their internet surfing experience. A 404 error is an error that happens when a user tries to access a resource on a web server or a web page that does not exist. Commonly users recognize it by NOT FOUND.
There can be various reasons for it such as a broken link in the webpage/ website, a mistyped URL or the owner of the webpage/ website has relocated the site location to somewhere else or it has been deleted.
4. HTTP Error 403 (Forbidden):

This error has shown similarities with error 401, but there still is a huge difference between these two. AS we 401 refers to an unauthorized site while 403 refers to a forbidden site. In the case of a 403 error, the opportunity to log in is not availed. For instance, it might happen when you try to open a forbidden link from the website.
5. HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error):

This type of error is a general-purpose error message. This error message is sent by the server when the web server faces some form of internal error. For example, this error can take place when the web server is overloaded by the requests and cannot take or attend to any more requests.
Well, these few were the 5 most common errors faced by the public or audience. When made aware of these errors it will be easier for a user to access web pages and websites without being confused about the error. After learning about the errors, it will be easier to find out what one has done wrong and how it can be corrected.
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