India is a culture where people are very much attached to the improvement we will grey women in the form of Goddesses. Women and crime rate in India – a continuous red Alert, We should be very careful for the consequences.
Women are the pillar of any house company or even an institute various research has shown that 50% of human resources are women because they are excellent in management and communication
India Megan country where women upgrade in the form of Goddesses is the same place where the climate against women is increasing at the speed of light.
Crime against women has existed in the past in almost all the country’s regions, cultures as well as communities.

People often abuse women mentally and domestically anywhere publicly because of the difference in their physical strength. Most woman in India belongs to subjugated section of the society.
Woman given equal treatment as like animals and husbands treats them as a slave.
The current range of crimes against women in this country, including various crimes such as:-
- Rape
- Murder
- Kidnapping
- Molesting
- Mental abuse
- Physical abuse etc
Are rising day by day.
A female irrespective of their age faces various crimes and problems till her last breath.
The crimes have reached such an extent, that wife-beating, bride burning, child marriage, and even prostitution are very common in certain areas.
The various crimes and low laws have attributed to the low status of women in society.
Women are seen as a burden in a family, this results in the least care and not so proper education for them.
Crime rate is affects the sex ratio. Also as of now people don’t want to have female kids. Because they are afraid of the various crime their child would be exposed to in the future.
Women are not treated well and are often taken for granted because of their physical strengths, which results in presenting them as victims in any conflict or situation.
During any communal riots, women are the ones who face various types of harassment and threats.
Crimes According to one’s age
1. The most common and inhuman crime is foeticide and infanticide.
Where a female child is killed even before she sees the real world.
2. Discriminations school age
Here they face discrimination in various forms from teachers and even sometimes from their parents.
3. As soon as girls reach the age of puberty they are molested and are physically abused which can expose them to various dangerous diseases such as HIV and AIDS.
4. Marriage doesn’t mark the end of crime.
Many brides are killed or burnt in the name of Dowry and if not so are beaten daily.
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