In order to protect the bamboo world Bamboo days are observed every 18th of September and the image to raise awareness to conserve and promote the bamboo industry, it was observed by the world bamboo. Its main objective was to conserve our ecology, environment, and conservation of natural resources as well.
Bamboo is used for various purposes even in East and Southwest Asia which promote the new cultivation of Bombay for the new industry in the region around the world for community economic development the world Bamboo day was founded by Kamesh Salam as a former president, in 2009 at 8th world bamboo congress held in Bangkok.
18 September, is observed as world Bamboo day in order to generate awareness about conserving and promoting the bamboo industry. Bamboo is a known timber that grows fast and low maintenance having versatile potential.
How do we depend upon Bamboo?

As it provides some benefits not only for humans but also for the environment, it places significant soil and water conservation is also a good soil binder from bamboo has environmental benefits as it can be planted to reclaim the severely degraded site and Westland.
World bamboo organization is dressed on the importance of planting bamboo plants and it was talking about the theme then if it is #plant Bamboo the world bamboo day 2021 is celebrated with the thief of aspects plant with signify that it’s time to plant a bamboo the world member organization fixed to raise awareness regarding its plantation and advantages.
Even every year the theme got changed like the theme for 2020, it was Bamboo now.
Today in every and each house you can see table, bed, and chair as some mandatory furniture but from where it creates? Yes, bamboo is also one among them, secondly, the pages on which we write are also made up of Bamboo.
World bamboo day is marked as a celebration to raise global awareness of bamboo which has been everyday usage would in areas where it grows naturally.
According to the Thai Royal, Forestry Department dedicated days gaining traction across the world the day is all about bamboo suitability, environment, ecology, science, architecture, art, music, and everything it is about connection and networking marketing and about the future of our world.
World bamboo day always celebrates with a specific theme. The day focuses on the proper utilization of bamboo and as responsible citizens, it becomes our duty to preserve natural resources.
When it is highly utilized for human good and advantages of Bamboo are emphasized on this day and people are motivated to use it in everyday commodities. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the earth some species of bamboo grow more than 1 m per day which no other plant can grow bamboo provides less supply of timber which is a sustainable and renewable resource as it continuously spread vegetatively a bamboo forest will there for developing much faster than a free bamboo produce more oxygen then and equivalent stand of free. It is a highly effective carbon saying bamboo plants absorb a normal amount of greenhouse gas and because of its rapid growth, it is a very useful tool for carbon sequestration.
Bamboo produces water for river and streams IT act as a reservoir by collecting and storing a large amount of stem during the rainy season and returning water to the soil river and strain during drought. Bamboo prevents soil erosion and restores the great line which is a great tool for soil protection due to its rapid growth permanent canopy and a huge network of roots and rhizomes, bamboo forest creates a habitat for fauna and flora it is an important part of biodiversity and ecosystem as bamboo also provides biomass for production of renewable energy which produces 1-kilo wat per hour electricity which is similar to the biomass requirement for the good product it can also be replaced good for any application.
Bamboo reduces poverty and provides a livelihood for local farmers as people started skill work from bamboo which helps them to stable financially and also all these are the importance of bamboo make it more peculiar that is why every year we celebrate the bamboo day to spread the importance of bamboo all around and highlight the bamboo usage.
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