World Cerebral Palsy Day
The Cerebral Palsy Day Alliance established World Cerebral Palsy Day on October 6 in 2012, and it now unites people with cerebral palsy, their families, friends, supporters, and organizations from more than 100 nations. Change My World in 1 Minute was the slogan for the inaugural World CP Day campaign. The project requested suggestions from the global CP community for technology and products that needed to be invented and that could “transform the world” for those who have CP. The campaign changed into a social movement in 2015 that focuses on the six major problems that affect individuals with CP everywhere, regardless of geographic, cultural, or economic disparities.
About Cerebral Palsy Day
World Cerebral Palsy is not a disease. It’s critical to properly examine cerebral palsy in order to To be clear, a sickness is not what it is. In actuality, CP is regarded as a disorder. CP has different effects on different people. These side effects include an inability to control movements, such as walking, seizures, weakness in one or both hands, and intellectual incapacity. The first wheelchair that folded Engineer Harry Jennings created the first contemporary folding wheelchair to enhance the lives of people with motor limitations.

Green was chosen as the awareness color for cerebral palsy by RFTS, and March 25th was declared National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day as a result. Every year on World Cerebral Palsy Day, we call on people to unite to honor and support persons who have cerebral palsy, embrace diversity, and work to develop a more reachable future for everybody.
There are more than 1 billion persons with disabilities around the globe. But we continue to move through a world that was not intended to be accessible.
The cerebral palsy community, which is made up of millions of people with innovative ideas and lived experience, is the best person to assist us in our search for the next advancement in accessible technology on this World Cerebral Palsy Day.
All cerebral palsy sufferers, their loved ones, and allies were told to submit their wildest ideas for accessible technology. Each entry has the potential to win $5,000 USD. Prior to World Cerebral Palsy Day, the community will vote on and shortlist the suggestions.
People with cerebral palsy are frequently out of sight, out of mind, and without options in communities all over the world. It is one of the least understood disabilities. This must be altered. Worldwide, there are more than 17 million persons with cerebral palsy. A kid or adult with cerebral palsy has a close connection to an additional 350 million people. It is the most prevalent physical impairment in kids. Movement is impacted by cerebral palsy, a lifelong impairment. The effects can be anything from a weakening in one hand to nearly no voluntary movement.
- It is a complicated impairment.
- One in four cerebral palsy patients is mute.
- One in four people has trouble walking.
- One in two people has intellectual disabilities.
- Epilepsy affects one in four people.
There is currently no treatment for the lifelong condition of cerebral palsy.
“Millions of Reasons” is the theme for World Cerebral Palsy Day in 2022. The theme for this year draws attention to the 17 million people who are affected by cerebral palsy worldwide.
Both children and adults with cerebral palsy deserve to be heard. Write a blog post on your experience if you have the disorder, or are a parent, carer, or friend of someone with CP. Share images on social media to raise awareness of World Cerebral Palsy Day and its significance. It’s important for people with CP to emerge from hiding and express their confidence.

Participate in a CP discussion
Despite the fact that cerebral palsy affects over 350 million individuals, there are still some persistent myths regarding the condition. Some cultures hold the view that CP is contagious. But there must be a method to show the light of education wherever there is the darkness of ignorance. You can learn what other nations are doing to raise awareness of cerebral palsy by attending an event, and you could even get some ideas for your own region.
Throw a celebration for the kids.
Unfortunately, a lot of kids with cerebral palsy may feel lonely since they don’t live in a welcoming, supportive environment. If you know a child who suffers from CP, organize a celebration or a play day because all kids need to be active. Set up simple games for the younger kids and video games for the older youngsters during the party. Create a joyful atmosphere and a memorable day for everyone.
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