World Habitat Day – Every year on the first Monday in October, the United Nations observes World Habitat Day[1] to raise awareness of the status of urban areas and the universal need for decent shelter. [2] The purpose of the day is also to raise awareness of the fact that everyone has the ability and obligation to influence how towns and cities will develop in the future. [3] The first World Habitat Day was observed in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1986, with the slogan “Shelter is My Right.”
World Habitat Day has a variety of themes each year, such as “Shelter for the Homeless,” “Our Neighbour,” “Safer Cities,” “Women in Urban Government,” “Cities without Slums,” and “Water and Sanitation for Cities.”

UN-Habitat demonstrates that Cities must be planned in order to prevent the haphazard growth of urban sprawl and all the issues that result from it.
Cities are growth-producing forces. Around the world, many rural residents yearn to emigrate to cities to pursue their aspirations of a better life. People continue to move to cities despite the fact that this desire is frequently unfulfilled because of the hazy assurance of success and a better future.
World Habitat Day (WHD 2022) will be observed on October 31 “Beware the Gap. Leave no one or nothing behind “examines challenges in cities and human settlements as well as the issue of growing inequality. World Habitat Day. Recent conflicts and the pandemic have undone years of progress in the fight against poverty.
causing the emergence of newly poor people, both those who have fallen into poverty as a result of the pandemic and those who would have been able to escape poverty had the pandemic not occurred. World Habitat Day. In 2020, between 119 and 124 million people were reportedly affected, and between 143 and 163 million in 2021, according to UN-World Habitat’s Cities Report. Urban poverty and inequality reduction have risen to the top of the global priority list.
The goal of World Habitat Day 2022 is to raise awareness of the growing disparities and vulnerabilities that the triple “C” crises of COVID-19, climate change, and conflict have worsened.
Every year on the first Monday in October, the United Nations observes World Habitat Day raise awareness about the condition of our environment. World Habitat Day. And on everyone’s fundamental right to appropriate shelter. The Day also serves as a reminder that each of us has the ability and obligation to influence the course of our communities and towns.
The first World Habitat Day was observed in 1986 under the banner “Shelter is My Right.” That year, Nairobi served as the event’s host city. other themes from the past. On the first Monday in October, World Habitat Day ushers in Urban October. The day is focused on the annual global observance, which has keynote speakers and roundtable discussions with a particular theme and is hosted in a different country every year.
World Habitat Day was established by the UN in 1985 and is observed on the first Monday in October each year. The purpose is to consider the state of our cities and towns as well as everyone’s fundamental right to safe, suitable housing. It also serves to remind everyone of their shared responsibility for the preservation of human habitat.
World Habitat Day honors the idea that homes improve lives and enhance the future. This day, which will be observed on October 4 this year in keeping with tradition, aims to raise awareness of the fundamental right to shelter and serve as a reminder that everyone has a responsibility to preserve the environment for present and future generations. The U.N.-Habitat Scroll of Honour Award, presented by the U.N. organization U.N.-Habitat, is granted in recognition of exceptional contributions to the provision of shelter, raising awareness of the problem of the homeless, etc.
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