World Health Day – On 29th September world heart day is celebrated. First, we all know that the work of the heart can never be interrupted. The heart’s job is to keep the flow of oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. World Heart Day. All cells of the body need a constant supply of oxygen, especially those in the brain. After cutting off oxygen, the brain cells live only up to five minutes, and after that brain death occurs, which leads to the death of the entire body.
The heart is a specialized muscle that never stops working and serves as a pump.
Let’s get into the deep knowledge of the heart. World Heart Day. First, let us understand the structure of the heart. The heart is a mesodermally derived organ and is situated in the thoracic cavity, tilted towards the left, and is protected by the double-walled membranous bag I.e. pericardium, which is enclosing the pericardial fluid. The heart is divided into four chambers, i.e two atria that are relatively small chambers and two relatively larger chambers called ventricles.
The heart chambers work in a circular pattern with the blood flowing around the body and purifying the lungs by removing carbon dioxide from the blood and adding oxygen. The two atria are divided by a thin muscular wall called the Inter-atrial septum whereas the two ventricles are divided by the thick-walled, inter-ventricular septum. World Heart Day. The atrium and the ventricles are separated by a thick tissue called the atrioventricular septum.

The opening between the left atrium and ventricle is guarded by a valve known as the bicuspid or mitral valve, whereas the right atrium and the right ventricle are guarded by three muscular flaps called the tricuspid valve. World Heart Day. The opening of the right and the left ventricles into the pulmonary artery and aorta respectively are provided with the semilunar valves. These valves allow the flow of the heart only in one direction i.e from the atria to the ventricles and from the ventricles to the pulmonary artery or aorta. These valves prevent the backflow of the blood.
Let’s get into the deep knowledge of nodal tissues. The heart is entirely made up of cardiac muscles. A specialized cardiac muscle called the nodal tissue is distributed in the heart. SAN(Sino-atrial node) is present at the upper corner of the right atrium. Another nodal tissue is present at the lower left corner of the right atrium close to the atrioventricular septum called AVN(atrioventricular node). Purkinje fibers are running throughout the ventricular musculature. These nodal tissues are auto- excitable i.e they have the ability to generate action potentials without any external stimuli. World Heart Day.
Now, let’s understand the process of the flow of blood throughout the body.
From the first four chambers, veins carry blood to the right atrium. From the right atrium, the blood flows through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. Fe the right ventricle the blood enters the pulmonary artery, which leads to the lungs. In the lungs the blood releases carbon dioxide and picks up fresh oxygen, then it travels to the left atrium, as it gets filled the mitral valve opens and pushes the blood into the left ventricle. From here, it is pushed into the aorta and gets distributed to the body through various arteries.
Why do we celebrate world heart day?
The answer to this question is to educate people about the various heart conditions and to know them beforehand.
People have been costing their lives through stroke and CVD. The aim is to let them know about their heart conditions and measures so as to avoid CVD and major life-threatening heart diseases.
Heart disease can result from a number of various factors such as any damage to the heart muscle, the valves, or the pacemaker of the heart. Electrical impulses from the heart muscle cause our heart to beat (contract). This Electrical signal begins in the SAN. The sino-atrial node(SAN) is known as the pacemaker of the heart.
The answer to this question is to educate people about the various heart conditions and to know them beforehand.
People have been costing their lives through stroke and CVD. The aim is to let them know about their heart conditions and measures so as to avoid CVD and major life-threatening heart diseases.
Heart disease can result from a number of various factors such as any damage to the heart muscle, the valves, or the pacemaker of the heart. Electrical impulses from the heart muscle cause our heart to beat (contract). This Electrical signal begins in the SAN. The sino-atrial node(SAN) is known as the pacemaker of the heart.
If the heart muscle is damaged it is unable to pump the blood properly. If the valves are damaged blood cannot flow easily, and if the pacemaker is defective, the contractions of the chambers will be uncoordinated.
Disorders of the Heart
CAD often referred to as atherosclerosis, affects the vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle. It makes the arteries narrower by the deposition of calcium, fat, cholesterol, and fibrous tissues.
ANGINA: Not enough oxygen reaching the heart muscle. Also known as angina pectoris.
These all can be prevented by proper knowledge of the heart and what to do in some panic situations like heart stroke so that one cannot cost their life. World Heart Day.
Many people have plastic valves inserted in their hearts when their own become faulty. Some have tiny pacemakers to keep them alive. Without the heart-lung machine, none of these repairs could have been made. But these all are temporary solutions.
WORLD HEART DAY has been celebrated worldwide. Various camps, campaigns, and meet-ups are also organized. Many youngsters also volunteer. In many rural areas, free heart checkups are organized. In schools, the government also organizes camps for both students and teachers.
Through world heart day, everyone can know what to do when someone is having a heart stroke, or a heart attack before reaching the hospital. Hence, world heart day is to spread useful information and tactics about the heart.
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