Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the bacteria that causes tuberculosis. Although the germs primarily assault the lungs, TB can attack any region of the body, including the kidney, spine, and brain.
Not everyone who contracts TB becomes ill. As a result, there are two types of tuberculosis (TB): latent TB infection (LTBI) and TB illness.

TB disease, if not treated appropriately, can be lethal. TB bacteria spread from person to person through the air.
TB bacteria can enter the air when someone with TB illness of the lungs or throat coughs, speaks or sings. Individuals nearby may become infected if they breathe in these microorganisms.
TB is NOT transferred through shaking hands, exchanging food or drink, touching bed sheets or toilet seats, sharing toothbrushes, or kissing.
When a person breathes in TB bacteria, the bacteria might lodge in the lungs and begin to proliferate. These can then travel through the blood to other regions of the body, such as the kidney, spine, and brain. TB in the lungs or throat can be contagious.
This means that the bacterium can spread to other people. TB in other regions of the body, such as the kidney or spine, is usually not contagious.
Individuals who have tuberculosis are more prone to distribute it to the persons they interact with on a daily basis.

This includes family members, friends, and workplace or classmates. There are two types of tests used to detect tuberculosis germs in the body: TB skin tests (TST) and TB blood testing.
A positive TB skin test or TB blood test simply indicates that a person has been infected with TB bacteria. It does not indicate if the person has latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) or TB illness.
Additional tests, including a chest x-ray and a sample of sputum, are required to determine whether the person has tuberculosis.
TB primarily affects people during their prime working years. Nonetheless, all age groups are at risk. Approximately 80% of illnesses and deaths occur in low- and middle-income nations.
HIV-infected people are 16 times more likely to develop active TB disease. Active tuberculosis is also more likely in those who have other illnesses that weaken the immune system.
Individuals who are malnourished are three times more likely to die. In 2021, there were 2.2 million new TB cases worldwide due to malnutrition.
The risk of tuberculosis is increased by alcoholism and tobacco use. In 2021, 0.74 million new TB cases were related to alcohol use disorder, whereas 0.69 million were attributable to smoking.
World Tuberculosis Day
The theme of World Tuberculosis Day 2023, ‘Yes! We Can End TB!,’ aims to inspire hope and encourage high-level leadership, increased investments, faster adoption of new WHO recommendations, adoption of innovations, accelerated action, and multisectoral collaboration in the fight against the TB epidemic.
This year is key, with chances to increase awareness and political commitment at the UN High-Level Conference on TB in 2023.

The focus of World Tuberculosis Day will be on encouraging countries to accelerate progress in the run-up to the UN High-Level Conference on TB in 2023.
WHO will also issue a call to action with partners pushing Member States to accelerate the introduction of the new WHO-recommended shorter all-oral treatment regimens for drug-resistant TB.
World Tuberculosis Day is marked annually on March 24 to promote awareness of the disease and efforts to stop the global epidemic, commemorating the day in 1882 when the bacteria that causes TB was discovered.
There are several key areas to focus on such as financial needs to scale up implementation and speed up, research and development of new tools including a new TB vaccine, access to new rapid molecular diagnosis and to new shorter and more efficient treatment regimens, TB prevention, TB in children, strengthening and funding Communities, Rights, and Gender (CRG) work.
This year’s campaign aims to increase global TB awareness while also ensuring the endorsement of a strong political declaration and maximum participation by Heads of State and Government.
Dr. Robert Koch reported the discovery of Mycobacterium TB, the germs responsible for tuberculosis, on March 24, 1882. (TB). TB killed one in every seven persons in the United States and Europe during this time period.
Dr. Koch’s finding was the most significant step toward controlling and eliminating this lethal disease. A century later, March 24 was recognized as World Tuberculosis Day: a day to educate the public about the global effects of TB.
There will be no World TB Day celebrations until TB is eradicated. Yet, it is an important opportunity to educate people about the destruction caused by TB and how it can be prevented.

Tuberculosis (TB) was known as “phthisis” in ancient Greece, “tabes” in ancient Rome, and “Schachepheth” in ancient Hebrew.
Due to the paleness of the sufferers, tuberculosis was dubbed “the white plague” in the 1700s. Even after Schonlein named it tuberculosis, TB was commonly referred to as “consumption” in the 1800s.
TB was also known as the “Commander of all these men of death” during this time period. TB of the neck and lymph nodes was known as “scrofula” in the Medieval Ages. Scofula was believed to be a distinct illness from TB in the lungs.
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